Chapter Thirty-Four ~ Patton

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Virgil rolled his eyes and Patton giggled, biting into a peanut butter and marshmallow sandwich.

"That's incredibly unhealthy Patton."

Patton shrugged, chewing. Logan sighed and returned his attention to his own food.

By the time they packed up, Remy and his friends had set up fully and looked like they were about to begin. Patton leapt to his feet and ran over to stand as closely as he could.

Remy moved his head away from his mic and said something to the bassist, who nodded and plucked a quick series of notes. Remy followed it up with a quick drumbeat and the crowd hushed as the band began the first song of their set.

It was very quickly apparent that the group leaned more towards punk and rock than anything else. Virgil was enjoying it, which made Patton smile when he glanced at his roommates. His smile widened when he noticed Logan and Roman were standing very close, and both were blushing lightly.

Then he turned back to the band and had much more important things to focus on.

Namely Remy's arms.

Patton watched in awe as his friend leaned into the mic that stretched over his drum-set, singing song after song with flawless precision while having the time of his life playing. Remy glanced at him once or twice and each time Patton felt his smile widening- and his cheeks heating up.

"You didn't tell me you had a crush on the coolest guy in the whole city." Virgil commented between songs while the band took a quick water break.

Patton flushed and shoved him lightly. "I don't have a crush-"

Virgil just smirked and raised his eyebrows.

"Shut up." Patton pushed him again.

He shook his head and walked off, going to the sound booth set up on the side and leaning on the table to talk to the man sitting there.

Remy ruffled a hand through his hair, making the brightly colored strands stick up every which way, and leaned in towards the mic. "We're gonna do a couple quieter ones now. Feel free to slow dance, we always have a couple or two that get really into it and it's cute."

Patton giggled softly, and Remy nodded to the guitarist. He had switched his electric out for an acoustic and he began to pluck a soft melody.

"Little boy inside my chest

Beat my heart just like a drum

Tell him I'll never forget

How it was when we were young."

Patton didn't recognize the song, but Remy's voice took a gentle tone that made his heart jump a little.

Remy leaned into the mic further, closing his eyes as he sang. He looked so peaceful, at ease with the situation.

Like he belonged there.

Patton lost all focus on the song, marveling at the sight.

Near the end of the song, with the bridge - that was what it was called right? Patton wasn't sure - Remy's voice dropped lower.

"And we never got too tired

And we never got too old

We just ran through the streets forever, on and on

And we said the sun was higher, than it ever was before

and we never knew perfection like it was."

Patton sighed softly, squeezing his hands together just under his chin and smiling.

Remy glanced over at him as the last chord of the song faded out. Patton waved a little and he smiled, then winked.

"Oh gross."

Patton jumped, not having realized Virgil had returned.

"Don't do that, I almost hit you!" He gasped, clutching his chest.

"Not like you hit hard, I would have been fine." Virgil smirked.

{Song is Little Boy by Barns Courtney

And another poll: what's Remy's next hair color?

aqua/turquoise/purple or red}

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