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Piper's voice sounded like it was coming from far away. Percy didn't even watch as Reyna stacked the cups. He hardly heard their laughter. He felt like his mind was in a fog. He had been thinking about Tartarus-like always-when his mind had suddenly gone completely blank.

It was then that the nausea set in again, stronger than ever before. Percy hadn't thrown up yet. He hadn't thrown up since before he had come out of Tartarus. Not once. Yet, he felt like he was going to now. It was more than just nausea. He felt like he was actually going to be sick. He shouldn't have eaten so much at dinner. He knew his stomach was sensitive right now. At the same time, though, Percy knew he had to keep his food intake up, and he also didn't want to appear rude by not eating with everyone else and make them worried.

But now his stomach was churning, and he could almost feel the vomit rising in his throat. It took everything he had just to keep it down.

"Earth to Percy," Grover's voice suddenly broke through his thoughts.

Percy's eyes refocused as he looked at him.

Grover was smiling at him, completely oblivious to Percy's chagrin.

"It's your turn," he said, sliding the cups on the coffee table towards Percy, a carefree smile on his face.

"Yeah," Annabeth said, giving a knowing smile, "It's time to show Reyna who the fastest stack attacker alive is."

The others laughed, but Percy couldn't get over the churning feeling in his gut.

"Why don't you guys go ahead," he said quickly, "I think I'm going to pass."

The smiles all fell from their faces, their laughter quickly dying out. Annabeth's eyebrows furrowed slightly as she gave Percy a calculating look. She came over and stood behind Percy, and started playing with his hair.

"What's wrong?" Reyna asked, giving Percy a concerned glance.

"Nothing," Percy shrugged, trying to sound nonchalant, "Just a gaming mood, right now."

He tried to keep his face and his words light and casual, but he could tell they saw right through it. They could tell something was up. He missed the worried glances everyone exchanged.

"Okay...well..." Reyna said slowly, a confused look forming on her face, "I guess that makes me the champ." She grinned, trying to make it a little less awkward.

It didn't work.

Percy kept a tight smile fixed on his face. He really didn't care who the stack attacker champ was. He was more preoccupied with trying not to vomit all over the carpet.

A worried look on her face, Reyna then stood up from the couch.

"Uh, anyway, I'm going to go and check on Nico. He said he'll be here by 6:30 but it's 7 already.," She said quickly.

Hazel nodded and stood up with her. "Yeah. I'll come with you."

Percy's stomach twisted horribly in his gut.

As if to make him feel worse, everyone then gave Percy this look. The worried look. He hated it. It was like Percy could see himself through their eyes right now.

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