chapter 19 (part 1)

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TRIGGER WARNING: Does mention attempted rape, drug use, and mentions of suicide. Read at your own risk, and stay safe my loves💓

"Babe are you sure you want to go through with this?"

"It's not like I have a choice at this point." Jimin sighed, leaning his head against the window. He watched as cars flew by, surprised that Jungkook hasn't been pulled over by any police cars for going well over the speed limit.

"You know..." Jungkook couldn't find the right pairing of words to comfort his boyfriend at the moment, so he decided that silence was the best answer. It was tense in the car, as Jimin would give him occasional side glances, still wondering in the back of his mind on what he wanted to say. He saw Jungkook's grip on the wheel becoming tighter, as they got closer to the heart of Seoul, and to his job.

"Jimin...can I ask you an honest question?" Giving him yet another side glance, Jimin made a soft sound, letting him know he was acknowledging him.

"Do you think Taehyung knew about what she was doing the entire time?" Now turning his head towards Jungkook, he sighed, knowing he was far more worried for him than he was for himself. "I mean, this can cost you your job, future job-"

"Jungkook?" He paused, looking at him for a brief second since they were now at a stoplight.


"Shut up. The lights green."

Stepping on the gas pedal, he drove down the street and into the side parking lot of the strip club. A squad car was parked two cars away from them, only adding to the growing tension.

"I really never wanted to be a stripper you was my only way of supporting the tiny bit of family I had left." He looked over at the club, still admiring the bright lights and lewd advertisements that he once hated when he first applied to the job. "It gave me a good income, and now I don't even if I'm gonna be able to pay for college, or my house."

Parking the car, he sat there, listening to Jimin ramble off, then saw tears forming in his eyes.

"Jimin..." He motioned him to sit on his lap, which he obliged to, then had two arms wrap around him.

"Don't even worry about any of that. If anything, you're staying with me, or Hoseok...but I prefer if it was me." He smiled, wiping his lover's eyes and cupping his face.

"You know I wouldn't let you suffer by yourself. We may not have been dating long, but I'm sure if this is what love feels like, I'm not letting you go. Whatever happens today, whether it's good or bad, I'm going to be there no matter what."

Jimin's phone buzzed, and 'Boss' appeared on the notifications screen.

Boss: 'Where the hell are you? 10 minutes Jimin.'

His heart sank, but felt a pair of lips on his own, making him smile from the unexpected peck.

"I'll be outside waiting for you." Stepping out the car, he walked Jimin step into the club, anxiously waiting for him to come out soon.

As if on cue, he noticed another car pull up, and Taehyung, along with another man in a suit with a briefcase step out, and walk into the strip club.

'Maybe I underestimated him a little too much.'


Stepping into the club, he knew it didn't open until about 7pm . It was dead, since nobody usually showed up until 5 to start setting up. Jackson almost never showed up until the time the employees work, so for this to happen, Jimin knew he was beyond livid for coming at 3:30.

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