Chapter I

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As you fell down the to the world of Perfection you caught the glimpse of many beautiful dolls!
You soon forward yourself towards the machine that's transforms you to well you!
as it scanned me it finally gave me my look, I took a glimpse at the mirror that was displayed inside the machine i was Beautiful.!
"Your a Singer/Model/Dancer/Beautiful" said the machine.

i walked out and was a gazed upon many dolls may i say mostly male, i walked around for a while confused about what to do until a few dolls approached me.

"Welcome to Perfection, I'm Kitty, and i might have to say your look absolutely perfect!"said the girl with the short pink tails as she examine me and her friends nodded too
"Nice to meet you too Kitty I'm Y/N"i gave them a small smile
"Nice to meet you too, now let me introduce you to these two ladies Tuesday and Lydia"she said as she pointed at a girl with short bright blue hair and another girl with a beautiful purple trail of braids around her head, they both gave me a hello until they heard some music and chanting starting, and their eyes literally shined! and ran towards a big group of dolls "Follow us is Lou!" Kitty shouted at you to follow and of course you did since you just got there of course.

Once you got in a spot where you could see everything, you realized it was kinda obnoxiously big! A stage and bright lights.
"He's coming!" a girl by me screamed and all the lights went out and a light was shined on a very fine doll blonde hair and beautiful blue eyes and soon started singing into the microphone, he soon started showing off his dance moves and people were screaming all sorts of things for example 'Marry Me Lou!' crazy right?
he soon started charming many girls while he was performing there were even robots that pushed the girls back into place when they were close to fainting !

"Omg! This is amazing right Y/N?"Asked Tuesday i just nodded and grinned awkwardly

~Time Skips To The End Of The Concert~

"Omg! i need his autograph!" They all squealed at the same time and took a notebook out of no where "You have to meet him since you are perfect just like him" Lydia said gripping my hand and making me follow her lead and the other girls soon followed.

As soon as we were about to be next to get our autographs i started getting nervous what the heck! shaking my head and ignoring the feeling
"Hello Girls!" He said looking at the girls and focusing his gaze on me and grinned
"Who might you be? I haven't seen you around"He said.

Here I go "I-I just came here today that's why an-and i'm Y/N, ni-nice performance by the w-way!"I barely even made it out and blushed in embarrassment i mean who wouldn't.

He just chuckled and patted my head
"Well I'm glad you enjoyed the show i'm Lou by the way!I hope i see you around
more often" he said as he lifted my hand and patted a soft kiss on my hand.

I blushed uncontrollably "By-Bye Luc!" i said as he was walking away swiftly
i touched my face as soon as he was far away enough, don't tell me i have a crush! "Ooooh!~ someone has a crush!" they all said at the same time "N-No! don't say that!" i said as i tried controlling my face color "An-Anyways! since i'm new here i need a place to sleep could you ladies help me?" i asked trying to get them hooked off the 'Crush' thing , "Ah! yes! you have to go to that library over there" Lydia pointed to a building that look very old fashioned
"Thank you ladies i'll be going thank you for the fun!" i said as i waved walked over to the so called library.

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