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At the end, death almost seems like salvation. Imagine knowing the moment was coming, heaving in those last few breaths, your lungs burning and life slipping away...wouldn't you just want to escape? Does it say anything about your character if you'd rather give in, trading off the pain and suffering for the warm glow of eternal bliss?

In that light, death almost does sound peaceful, like a scene on a beach with waves softly lapping at the shore...but it's not. It's excruciating. The flames grew higher and I felt the blood in my veins boiling, bubbling over even further with each passing second. My ears were filled with a constant roar, like a jet plane was taking off right behind me. My nose was on fire, nostrils filled with smoke and ash. Death was burning from the inside out...death was hell.

Wouldn't you close you eyes in that moment? Try to escape? Embrace what you knew would be the end...well, one end. My senses were all but gone, dulled as the heat seemed to rise even further. I knew this was the last moment of my human life, no matter the outcome. That was the question, though, for so many. Would you cheat death, deny fate, and continue walking this Earth, if it cost you your humanity? Would you take the bite?

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