"It's a surprise Hansen. Telling you would ruin the surprise."

"It better be worth waking me up at two am." Evan said, yawning.

"It is."

"Can you just tell me?"

"I will." He paused. "For two grand."

"Two thousand?" Evan asked playfully.

"Fine, because I love you, five hundred."

"I can give you a kiss on the cheek. "

"Fine but you're a dick."

Evan leaned over and kissed Jared on the cheek. "Now, tell me."

Jared sighed. " First, we're going to seven eleven and rip the place apart."

"Goody." Evan rolled his eyes, a smile plastered on his face.

"Then, we go to the field."

"At the park? The one we went to when we were kids?"

"Yup. That one. And we have a picnic and enjoy each others company and when we're done, we can sleep over at your house!"

Evan smiled and kissed Evan's cheek once more. "Sounds perfect."

"Here we are." Jared turned left into the seven eleven. He shut off the car quickly got out, walking to the store.

"Wait for me!" Evan yelled at Jared. He unbuckled his seat belt and ran out of the car (he made sure to lock it first) to catch up with Jared. He linked arms with him and rested his head and Jared's shoulder as he caught up with him.

Evan opened the door for Jared and both boys walked in, taking in their surroundings.

"So," Jared turned with a smile. "I have a list of shit we need."

"Okay. Lemme see it."

Jared took out his phone and opened his notes app. He handed it to Evan whose eyes went wide. "We really don't need all of this."

"Don't tell me what we do and don't need Acorn just get the shit."

Evan rolled his eyes and sighed. "First thing is... pop rocks? Jesus Chris Jared, NO."

Jared snickered. "They feel like what I imagine a bath bomb would feel like in my mouth."

"Oh my God Jared please no."

Jared ignored Evan and walked into the candy section, picking up five packs of pop rocks.

Evan sighed, giving up. "Next is, Crystal Pepsi? Isn't that what Michael has? I thought that was discontinued?"

"Shit I forgot to take that one out. I have a pack in the car. What else?"

Evan looked at the long list and sighed. This was going to take a while.

Time Skip brought to you by the fact that I'm going to die alone

They got back in the car, putting the bags of food in the back seat. Evan rubbed his eyes and yawned. (I KEEP YAWNING)

"To the park!" Jared screamed, pointing forward. And they drove off. Most of the car ride was silent as Evan was slowly falling asleep.


"Yeah?" Evan yawned (I FUCKING SWEAR) and turned to Jared. "What's up?"

"Have you ever.... Nevermind."

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