One Month Later

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It had been a month since Johnny Rose had been caught. All thanks to my friends and I and one investigator who let us help. We weren't just some dumb college students. We had a plan and we weren't going to let Johnny get away with what he had done.
I had to move in with Oliver and his family after a while. The house was too big and I wanted to sell it to have money for college. Staying at Oliver's was only for a little bit. I was to move in with my aunt during the summer. She only lived an hour away, so I could still attend school with Fox and Oliver.
It was also time for trial. Which, Oliver, Fox, and myself were to go on stand and speak. "Are you nervous?"
Oliver leaned over to me and whispered. "Hell no. I am ready to put him behind bars."
"I second that." Fox bumped my fist.
Oliver just shook his head and chuckled. I was ready to see that sorry piece of shit and put him away were he couldn't hurt anyone else. His parents tried to get him out of it. But once they saw the pictures, they went from furious to crying in one split second.
I felt sorry for them in away. No parent wants to find out their kid is a psychotic murderer. They even apologized to Piper's family and me. Along with Katie's family.
I met Katie's mom and dad that day at court. They couldn't get over how much I looked like her. They had given me their condolences for losing my mom and told me if I ever needed anything to just call and they would be there.
They were so happy to see justice brought to the guy who killed their little girl. They said Katie was so smart and witty. Said she was going somewhere, until she met Johnny. Then she fell apart. When she tried to get back on track, it all went downhill.
I watched Johnny Rose that day in court. When the pictures were shown and our group spoke out about what all had happened. You could tell he had no remorse. His face looked evil. His smile was vile. His love had been poison.
It had all come down to why he had done it. We all thought he would lie. But he didn't.
"Mr. Rose, why did you murder Katie Fields? You had gone to a mental facility to get better. Then you went after Lilith Robinson and her family and friends. Why?" Investigator Mitchell was giving him a hard-serious look.
Johnny Rose sat up straight looking at investigator Mitchell. Then he put his focus on me. "She broke my heart. She left me. I couldn't let her get away with it. Something had to be done."
Everyone gasped. He had admitted to killing Katie and going after and murdering my best friend and mom. He didn't care.
"Why do it, though?" Investigator Mitchell stood beside the stand.
Johnny's face got red. "I wanted her to feel what it was like to be left. Katie left me broken hearted. Then Lilith did too. I couldn't take it. So, I killed Ms. Robinson and Piper. Oh, and the cat. I wanted Oliver too but you assholes got to me before I could."
"Objection." The judge slammed her gavel.
Investigator Mitchell put it all in prospective. "Johnny Rose had been to see therapists all his life. Each one diagnosed him with ASPD, anti-social personality disorder, now they couldn't exactly put him off as a Sociopath because he hadn't done anything. Johnny Rose murdered Katie Fields in high school. Then with everything that has happened to Lilith Robinson. Her friends and family. Johnny Rose, was the cause. He has admitted to it. I say he has all the makings of a Sociopath. He needs to be sent to prison and have justice for the families who have lost so much."
Investigator Mitchell turned to the judge. "Thank you, your Honor."
The judge slammed the gavel. "Will the jury please go back and review the case to come up with a decision?"
The judge and jury left. Investigator Mitchell came over to us. "I think this one is in the bag. Justice will be served."
It took the jury only twenty minutes to figure out their decision. Everyone stood up as the judge came out. Then sat back down.
The judge looked out upon all of us. Then to the jury when they came out. "Have you reached a verdict?"

Jury Foreperson. "We have, your Honor."

Judge. "What you say?"

Jury Foreperson. "We the jury, in the case of Ms. Robinson versus Mr. Rose, fine the defendant guilty of the charge of first degree murder of Katie Fields, first degree murder of Ms. Robinson, first degree murder of Piper Morgan, and attempted murder on Oliver Hart."

Judge. "Thank you, Jury. On behalf of The State of North Carolina, Johnny Rose, I sentence you to life in prison with no parole. Court is adjourned."

The judge hit the gavel one last time. We all erupted in in excitement. Justice had finally been served for Katie, Piper, and my mom. We all hugged each other as we were crying.
As everyone was hugged, I went over to Johnny. He gave me a vicious look. I smiled with pride. "I told you Johnny, you wouldn't win."
With that the police officers took him away. I walked over to investigator Mitchell and gave him a hug. "Thank you, so much."
"You done most of the work. You and your friends." He let go, looking at all of us.
We all smiled at one another. Oliver picked me up and spun me in a circle. Then put Fox and me in his arms, hugging us. "We done it!"

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