Four Months Later

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Mom had left for work that morning. I was still in bed hungover from the night before. I didn't sleep, all due to the drugs I had taken eight hours ago. There was a knock on the door.
I threw back the covers to get up. I sat on the side of the bed trying to gather myself and my thoughts. I felt like pure shit.
Johnny moved over to my side. "Where are you going?"
"Someone's at the door. I'll be right back." I put on a shirt and some jogging pants.
I made my way slowly downstairs. I opened the door finding Oliver and Piper. "Hey guys."
Piper was furious. Oliver was the one to keep things light. "Hey Lili, we are headed to school. You want a ride?"
I backed up, looking at the time. Eight o'clock, shit. "Hold on. I will be down in a minute."
I went back upstairs. I rummaged through my books and got what I needed and grabbed my bag. I heard the lighter.
I looked over to the bed. "Where are you going?"
"School." I sat on the end of the bed to put shoes on.
The bed shifted. Johnny came up to sit behind me, leg on either side of me. "Screw school."
I looked back at him. "I have to go. I already missed most of this week. It's been a month and I am starting to slack."
He grabbed me around my waist, kissing and biting on my neck. "But stay, we can have fun."
I sighed leaning back into him. He ran a hand down my pants. "Fuck, Johnny."
He smiled grabbing my face, turning it to kiss him. Images of Piper and Oliver went through my head. I broke away from the kiss.
"Piper and Oliver are waiting for me downstairs." I gave him a swift kiss."
I got up putting on my leather jacket. "Oliver is down there?"
There was his angry voice. "Yes, Johnny. He is giving Piper and I a ride to school, that's it."
Johnny got up, putting on his clothes. "I will take you. We can go together and learn something."
I smiled and giving him a kiss. "Thank you."
We went downstairs. "Hey, you guys can go ahead. Johnny and I are going to take his motorcycle."
Oliver got up. "You two go in front of us. I want to make sure you get to school."
"Woah, are you her dad?" Johnny put an arm around me.
Here we go. For the past three months, Johnny and Oliver had been at each other. They even got into fights. Instead of trying to get along for me, they just fought.
I grabbed my keys. "You know what, if you two want to argue. I will take myself. Come on Piper."
She got up and walked out. "Gladly."
Once Piper and I were in the car she turned to give me a sincere look. "Lili, are you doing okay?"
I looked at her. "Yeah, I am fine. Why?"
Piper looked straight ahead. "You've just missed a lot of school."
"I have only missed maybe eight days. I am caught up on work." I stopped at the stop sign.
Piper was looking out her window. "Pips, I am good. Johnny just likes staying home. I like staying with him. He isn't much for school."
She looked at me. "I can tell. Does your mom know that he keeps you from school?"
I look at her out of the corner of my eye. "No, if anyone tells her, I will beat them."
"Whatever Lilith. I just don't want you getting into something that you can't get out of when it is too late." She crossed her arms.
Piper didn't say one other word to me the rest of the way to school. Which was something because usually when she was mad at me or with me, she still had plenty to say.
I parked and Piper got out faster than a race horse. I got out as quickly as I could. "Piper!"
She didn't even look back at me. Oliver pulled up beside me. "How mad is she at me?"
Oliver got his bag out of the back of his truck. "Truthfully?"
I nodded. "She is more disappointed than she is mad. She just doesn't get the new you. You used to love coming to school to learn and determined to get things done to get out of this place. Now, you don't come to school or come in late. You go out and party. You get drunk and high. She just doesn't like seeing her best friend spiral out of control."
I rubbed a hand over my face. "I'm not spiraling out of control. I am still getting A's and B's. Plus, she parties."
Oliver mockingly chuckled. "Okay Lili, whatever you say. I am just telling you how she feels. The old you would have been upset if Piper was upset and mad with you. What happened?"
Oliver walked off. Johnny Rose is what happened. I fell for him fast. He is sweet and treats me good. He just has a bit of a party and wild side to him. A side I have been drug into.
Johnny came up and put his arms around me. "You ready to learn Robinson?"
I gave a breathy laugh. "Yeah, let's go learn."
Through all my classes that day, Oliver nor Piper spoke to me. I was going to hang out with Johnny at lunch but he took off to go party and there was no way he was coming back since he left.
I was sitting outside at one of the gazebos. I was reading about Hamlet and listening to music. That was until someone tapped my shoulder.
I took my headphones off and looked up beside me. "Yes."
"Ms. Robinson, may I have a word?" The woman sat down across from me at the table.
"Sure." I put everything down.
She put her hand out for me to shake. I did so. "I am Ms. Gracin. The guidance counselor."
I looked at her wondering what she even wanted. "Okay."
"It has come to my attention that you have been missing days and coming in late. Is there a reason?" She was all smiles.
I rubbed my eyes. "I have kept my grades up. So, I don't get why that matters."
"Yes, you have. But we still like our students to have a good attendance record. Is there a reason you have been missing and coming in late?" She was being polite.
I shrugged. "This is the first month I have done this. I guess it is just a lot to take on. I stay up late to get things done. If I don't have it done, I usually miss to catch up."
She grimaced looking down then back up to me. "It has also come to my attention that your boyfriend is Johnny Rose."
"Yeah, so, is that any of the school's business?" I gave her a death stare.
"Well, no, but in this case, we have to watch out for things." She pushed her glasses up her nose.
"Why?" I crossed my arms.
She crossed her arms on the table. "Do you know Johnny Rose well?"
"I would hope so. We have been together for four months." I smiled, mockingly.
"Yes, but you do know everything that has happened in his past?" She asked.
"Like what?" Now I was curious. Johnny had told me about a lot.
He told me he had went through different homes growing up. He told me his grandmother died right before school started. He told me about how his parents were in and out of jail his whole life until his dad got killed in a drunk accident and his mom killed herself by overdosing. Johnny had been through a lot, which I understood. I also understood that is why he done what he done.
"His parents. His grandmother." Ms. Gracin gave me a solemn look.
"Johnny told me about his grandmother dying before school. He has even told me about his parents in and out of jail. That his dad died in a drunk accident and his mom overdosed." I was becoming a bit annoyed.
"Ms. Robinson, his parents are very much alive. His grandmother, however, did pass away before school started." She still had the serious look, even more so.
I was confused. "What? No, he said his parents are dead."
"No, they aren't. His parents are very much alive. I can't tell you any more than what I have told you. But if you need someone to talk to, you can come to my office or call me. My number is in the handbook." She smiled at me and got up.
I watched her walk away. I was so confused. Why would Johnny lie to me? I thought he trusted me. What in the hell was going on?
I was angry. I gathered up my stuff and went to find Piper and Oliver. I went to the library hoping they would be there. Luckily, they were.
I sat down at their table. "I need to talk to you guys."
Piper wasn't acknowledging me. Oliver looked up from his book. "We are studying."
"I am serious guys. We need to talk. Please." My anger was catching up to me.
The librarian shushed me. I looked over at her flipping her off. She was shocked and got up and went out. Probably getting the headmaster.
"Please, I'm begging you guys. We need to talk." I got up.
I went to wait for them at Oliver's truck. Soon after I got out to his truck. They were there. "What do you want Lilith?"
Piper still wasn't talking to me. "Before you say anything, just hear me out."
"Okay." Oliver slung his bag in the back of the truck.
"It's about Johnny. You remember how I told you that his parents are dead." Oliver nodded for me to go on.
"Well, they are alive. Like for real, alive." I looked at them.
Piper was in on the conversation. "Are you sure?"
I shook my head. "The guidance counselor told me. She was concerned about me and school. But more so about me and Johnny."
Oliver and Piper looked as confused as I felt. "What did Ms. Gracin tell you?"
"That they were alive and Johnny had problems. Well, she didn't come out and say he had problems. But I could hear the hint in her voice." I was starting to pace back and forth.
I had no clue what I was going to do. Piper grabbed my hand making me stop. "It's okay. We've got your back. What do you want to do?"
"I need to find out the truth. I need his home address." I was looking between the them.
Oliver smiled. "I know just the person."

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