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I walked in, Oliver following behind me. "Mom, we are here."
She walked out of the kitchen. "Hey honey, Oliver, how was the first day at college?"
Oliver gave mom a hug. "My day was great."
Mom came over to give me a hug. "Yours?"
"It was all right. Just glad it is over. I'm starving." I walked passed her and to the kitchen.
"We are going to have roast tonight. I hope that is okay." Mom sat the dish on the table.
It smelt amazing. "Of course. I love your roast mom."
"It smells amazing Ms. Robinson." Oliver looked like his mouth was going to over flow with saliva.
Mom sat down at the table. "Where is Piper? I figured she would be with you two."
Oliver dug into his food as mom and I talked. "She was furious about the teacher giving her topic to some guy. So, obviously, she threw a dramatic fit and went to the teacher to negotiate."
Mom laughed. "That girl has so much fire. She had to have gotten it from her grandmother. Her mom and dad have passion about things. But she reminds me of her grandmother."
"I guess so." I looked over at Oliver who was shoveling food into his face.
Mom followed my gaze. "Oliver, honey, there is enough to go around. You don't have to choke yourself with food."
He swallowed and took a breath. "Sorry, it is just so good. My mom can't cook at all. My dad is all right. But mom is awful. I only get amazing food when I come here."
"Well, in that case, I will get another dish and put some of it in it for you to take home." Mom got up to find another dish.
Mom was always the generous type. She would feed every homeless person in the world if she could. Her door was always open to my friends and her friends. If they hadn't ate or needed something. She was there to take care of it.
After dinner, Oliver left with a big dish full of food. He was excited and couldn't wait for his parents to try it. Mom and I sat on the couch and watched tv. Well, she watched, I was studying with my cat by my side.
It was thirty minutes past seven when Piper walked in. My head shot up from what I was doing. "Where have you been?"
She walked in, taking a seat on the loveseat. "School. I was talking to professor Mark about my topic."
I eyed her. "It took you four hours to do that."
She smiled. "Yes. I got my topic back."
I looked at her. She wasn't in her perfect condition she was when I last saw her. Her shirt was hanging out of her skirt and the lipstick she wore was faint.
I got up and grabbed her arm. "We need to talk."
Mom paid no attention to us as we went upstairs. Once in my room, I let go of her. "Now, truth, what really happened?"
She walked over to my bed crossing her legs. "You know, we talked."
I stood there, arms crossed. "Piper, I'm not stupid. You fooled around with him, didn't you?"
She bit her lip. "Yes. Look I know I shouldn't have. But it just happened."
"Piper, he is probably forty something. You are just a freshman in college. What were you fucking thinking?" I threw my arms in the air.
"Woah, calm down mom. He is only twenty-seven. I am twenty. It is perfectly legal." She got up checking her makeup in the mirror.
I sat on my bed. "That's not the point Piper. He is the teacher."
She turned around a glared at me. Then her expression softened. "Lilith, it will be okay. I will be okay. It's just a fling. It will be over soon."
"It better. Because if it gets out, it could be bad for both of you." I was sitting back against my headboard.
She sat down. "We will be careful. So, are you still mad?"
I looked out my window. The sun was going down and the dark was creeping up. I looked at her. How could I be mad at her? She was my best friend and I guess if they were keeping it all a secret, it'd be fine. I think.
"I'm not mad. I just want you to be careful." I uncrossed my arms.
Piper smiled. She threw her arms around my neck. "Thank you, Lilith. I will be so careful."
"Okay. If he does anything to hurt you. I'll cut him." I hugged her back.
"Now, I must go. Mom and dad will be mad if I'm not home around nine. I hate curfews." Piper got up, straightening herself up.
She opened the door. "See you tomorrow. Love you."
"Love you too." I fell back on my bed.
I laid there staring up at the ceiling. First day of school and already drama. This was not what I wanted. I just wanted to go and graduate.
I heard someone reave their engine. It wasn't a vehicle. It was much louder. It happened a couple more times. I got up and went to my window. Across the street was a old house. It was a grayish black color and had an almost gothic style gate. There was a motorcycle in front of it.
No fucking way. It couldn't be, could it? Just then, I heard mom yell up from downstairs. I opened my bedroom door.
I leaned up against the frame. "What?"
"You have a friend. Please come down." I could hear her smile.
I rolled my eyes. "I don't want any company."
"Lilith Lemon Robinson, you better get down here." Mom was irked.
I really didn't want to go down there. I didn't want to see him. I would already have to see him in class and at school all the time.
I groaned going downstairs.  My cat followed. I stopped at the end of the staircase. "What?"
"You better get your butt in this living room." I bit my lip hard. So hard, I tasted the blood.
I rounded the corner to the living room. He was sitting on the couch. "Hey."
They looked over at me. "Hey Robinson."
Mom got up. "Do you kids want anything from the kitchen?"
"No, he isn't staying long." I crossed my arms.
Mom glared at me. "Lilith."
Johnny shook his head. "It's fine Ms. Robinson. She's right, I am just going to be here for a minute or two."
She smiled at him and went to the kitchen. "What do you want?"
He frowned. "That hurts Lilith."
I sighed. I tried my best to be friendly. "Johnny, what a pleasant surprise. What is going on? How are you doing?"
He got a dark smirk on his face. "Now, you are just taking the piss out of it."
I walked to the front door and opened it. "Well, if you just stopped by to see me. You saw me, now leave."
"You are a tough one to crack, aren't you? Most girls just fall over their feet to get to me." He was standing in front of me.
"Of course, they are. You are good looking, I'll give them that. I'm just not most girls. I also only have one relationship." My hand tightened around the door handle.
He had a confused look. "I thought you and that Oliver guy were just friends."
"We are. My relationship is with school." I gave him an earnest look.
Johnny bit his lip. "That's too bad. I was wondering if you would go out on a date with me."
I ushered him out of the house. "I'm sorry but no."
His head fell. When he looked back up, he had determination on his face. "Okay. But I'll win you over Lilith Lemon Rose."
He turned around and walked across the street. He got on his motorcycle and took off. I shut the door and leaned against it for support. If I wasn't focused on school, maybe I would have said yes. But that wasn't my focus. School was.

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