It's like a matter of seconds he has them all talking and laughing even D.O joined in. I wish I could take charge of a group of people the way baekhyun does. He oozes confidence, he doesn't shy away from anyone. I begins to let myself go and relax like he has been telling me all night.

"Want another drink baby?" he askes me as I put my empty glass down on the table.

"I can go get it" I stand up but he pulls my wrist making me turn to face him. It's either the drink I'm drinking or the lighting but he looks so beautiful, so dominating. He pulls me closer and smiles before kissing me on the lips. His lips are so soft I don't want to pull away I want to stay here forever. The group we are with start whistling at us making me pull away blushing. "You sit down ill get us a drink" he smiles before walking past me down the 3 steps to the bar.

I can't help but watch him as others talk to him at the bar but he politely talks back and moves away from their advances.

I sit down on the chair as D.O sits beside me sitting back in his chair.

"You finally found someone to do PDA with" he smirks at me before sipping his drink and looking over the rim of it.

"Yeah baek likes people to know we are together and so do I, he doesn't hide away from me" I wait nervously for baekhyun's return with our drinks but lay and minseok have him held up at the bar talking to them.

"Kissing him in a club in front of others" he mocks me making me rather angry.

"Yes so what, what's the problem?" he looks at me with wide eyes and sits up in his chair

"Your more fiesty, I like it" he stands up and walks to the bar as the others join us again.

"Here you go baby" baekhyun sits on the edge of the chair looking at me puzzled. I just smile and thank him as I continue to sip my drink.

He takes over the conversation again and has everyone in fits of laughing even D.O joins in again making it all seem so relaxing now. I'm enjoying myself watching how they all get along, baekhyun even makes sure I'm in the conversation and not left on the outside.

He Sits down on the free spot beside me now and continues talking to the others.
The drinks are flowing now and I know I have a red hue across my face from the alcohol. The next thing I feel is baekhyun's  hand on my knee as he keeps talking. I feel chills go up my spine as I watch his hand on my knee. Unaware of himself he starts to rub up and down it slowly showing me comfort like a boyfriend would.

"You two are so cute together where did you find him Chanyeol, in a catalogue or something" Minseok brusts out laughing as the others do too. I on the other hand nearly choke on my drink "yeah something like that" I laugh as baekhyun looks at me handing me a napkin to wipe my top from the drink spilling

"A very expensive catologue" baekhyun smiles at me before leaning in and kissing my lips taking me off guard as I grab his hand on my leg and squeeze it deepening the kiss. He pulls away and looks puzzled at me. Shit I've crossed the line and he noticed it. I stand up and excuse myself to go to the bathroom.

I slip into one of the stalls to pee as the urinals are all being used plus it gives me time to collect myself away from everyone.

"Did you see the hottie with that group having the batchlor party at the end of the bar wearing a t-shirt and tight fucking jeans?"  I hear others outside talk making me listen.

"Yeah he is so cute, I wouldn't mind a peice of him or his ass."

"He is taken though I already asked him at the bar" I cover my mouth trying not to let them hear me laugh. It has to be baek they are talking about he is the only one with a white shirt among us.

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