Chapter Three - Delinquent

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"What's this about?" I groaned, walking up to the group as I pulled my hood over my messy bed hair. I stopped in front of the group as Arti hopped off the large duffle bag she had been perched on. She had been dressed in military pants and combat boots with a laptop strapped to her back. Her hair was dark black and ran down to the middle of her back untidily; the kind of girl you'd expect to pull out a switchblade and threaten to end your life faster then you could bleed. The kind of girl who got thrown into juvie for hacking her way into a government network at thirteen.

"You're late, kitten." Arti mocked as I ignored her, turning my attention to Big Boy as he stood up, dusting himself off. Phoebus stood next to him, dressed like his twin sister – his hair a bright blonde.

"How'd you sleep, Alli?" Big Boy smiled, placing his hand onto my shoulder.

"Like a kitten," I mocked, "Why'd you wake me?"

"Call it a business expansion." He laughed, facing the building behind him. An ambulance rushed by us, its sirens blaring, lighting our faces blue and red.

"A hospital?" I frowned, "You know I hate hospitals."

"How hard it can it be?" Phoebus shrugged, looking towards the building. "Hospitals in New York are nothing compared to the bank you helped break into back in London. It's a simple in-and-out job."

"I thought I told you, Big Boy," I growled, "Never talk about London."

"Sorry," he brushed me off, "But, I had to get them to trust you. Don't worry, though. I skimped on the details."

"Whatever. What's the gameplay?"

Big Boy smiled. "You and Arti go in. You get her to the security booth. She'll wipe the footage of us even being here because I sure as hell don't need any more heat."

"What about you guys?" I asked as Arti threw the duffle bag to Big Boy.

"We'll make our way to the storage facility and get what we need. Just keep an eye on us." He answered. There was no playfulness in his voice now; this was strictly business.

I shrugged before walking off with Arti who had a slight spring in her step as if she actually enjoyed this. The entrance was a large open door, clear of any security checkpoints apart from the ones placed in the walls as to not be an obstruction during an emergency.

"Playbook entry?" I asked, looking at Arti who pouted in consideration, then lit up with sudden realization as she saw the bruise on my face.

"Abusive boyfriend. I'll play the best friend who saved you, kitten!"

"I really liked this hoodie." I moaned before reaching for my shoulder and ripping loose the cotton that kept my sleeve attached to the rest of it. "Let's just get this done with."

She grinned and I allowed her to carry my weight.

"My friend!" She yelled, her voice more serious then it had been all night. Two figures looked up in the distance. One doctor. One security guard. "Her boyfriend! I tried to warn her, but she wouldn't listen!"

I faked collapsing in her arms as the two men rushed forward, taking me out of her arms and carrying me inside. I caught a glimpse of Arti nodding over the doctor's shoulder and sprung to life, pushing the doctor aside before running him face first into the steel railing that ran along the wall. The security guards eyes widened as the doctor drifted out of conscience.

He quickly reached for his baton, swinging it towards me in a wide arch. I ducked back before slipping close before he could reel back, driving my elbow into his temple repeatedly until he passed out.

"Help me get them into the closest," I spoke as we dragged the two in the cleaners closest near us, swiping the set of keys of the guard's belt, as well as his radio before continuing to the elevator. The ride down to the basement floor wasn't long, just long enough for Arti to pull her laptop out. I slipped through first as the elevator opened, turning on my flashlight. A dusty scent filled the air mixed with cold caffeine and sugars.

I walked up towards the security booth with Arti behind me, shining the light of my torch directly into the face of the only security guard on this floor – a real sloth of a man, covered in sweet papers, sitting outside the cage that housed all of the monitors.

"Get out of here, and take the stairs. It will do you good." I threatened as I saw the fear glimmer off his dilated pupils. He took my invitation, running to the stairway.

"That will buy us at least ten minutes." Arti joked as I tossed the keys over to her. She quickly unlocked the cage, slipping in and hooking her laptop into the system. I stepped in, looking around at the monitors, trying to spot them.

"There," I pointed at monitor four. The boys sprinted down a character until the reached the entrance to a large room, running straight through the unexpecting guards' post in front of the door. "Arti, the door has a passcode lock."

"Already on it," She brushed me off, slamming furiously into her keyboard, opening the door on their end allowing to slip through. Minutes later, they slipped back out with the duffle bag filled with whatever they came for. "We have five minutes to get out, then the cameras kick back in. Let's go."

I nodded, running up the stairs with her in tow and my head on a swivel. My heart hammered away with pure adrenaline as I continued up further, pushing out the doorway on the ground level. My eyes widened as I ducked quickly, slipping under the arm of one of the security guards. "Get out of here!" I yelled as Arti as I spotted a police officer rushing down the corridor, reaching for his gun. Arti nodded, quickly slipping past the three security guards and nearly bumping into the boys further down.

I tried following after throwing a low blow at the guard who tried taking me down and watched him collapse as I squirmed past the other two. But, the cop had already caught up – his gun held out towards me before his eyes widened.

"Dawn? We were all told you were dead..."

My heart stopped and started again as if were electrocuted. I stumbled backwards before twisting quickly, planting my foot into his chin.

"Sorry, uncle. I can't get arrested now."

VertigoOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora