Chapter 27- More fights

Start from the beginning

As I ripped jade away everyone was flashing there phones to get a look at jades face and Ian's. I quickly took her to the parking lot so she could calm down for a second.

I then loosened my grip on her and turned her around to face me.

Her hair as all over her face as she had some s scratches and a couple of tears.

" Really jade did you have to dig your nails into your brothers skin" I said

" I had to do something so he didn't touch me HE SLAPPED ME JUST BECAUSE I SAID IS BRETAH STINKS" she yelled out

" Okay Don't yell at me I'm not the one" I said

" I know you ain't the one now let me go" she scoffs

" no way your going to the principal come on" I say dragging her inside

" weak bitch that's why he got fucked up by a girl" I heard her say making me laugh

" what" she said annoyed

" you have a small body but fight like a grown man where did you learn these moves from" i asked

" Luke"

" I MEAN ETHAN" She yelled out

" Luke?" I said

" No No No" She repeated

As we were walking she tried to pull away so I grabbed and put her on my shoulder and people started to stare.

" Let me go Noah"

" nope" I said

" come one people are looking"

" I thought you liked the attention" I commented

" No I don't" she said

" well to bad I'm bringing you to the office anyway and going to stay there since you and Ian are going to be in the same room" i said knowing she didn't like the idea

" I fucking hate him...he messed with the wrong girl"
She mumbled but guess I got more information about her

I walked in to the office casually as if I didn't have someone on my shoulder and walked in to the room closing the door behind me

" why are you here Noah King" the second principle said

" well I thought you might need help and I ain't caring if you don't need or do I'm staying I know this might get ugly" I said

" well then fine but put her down now" he said

"Oh right" i then put her down

Jade then looked to Ian looking at his face and he looked pretty beat up not gonna lie and by a girl.

Jade then was about to sit right next to him but I stopped her took out a chair and said in between them

" so how did this start jade" the principle asked

" well he called me and he came to me and I said what and he said when am I going to beat him up but instead of answering him I said is breath stinks and he slapped me for no reason" She said as the principal lifted his eyebrow and looked to her cheek

"...jade your cheek is pretty bad want to look at it" I commented

" don't you think I know it hurts a lot" she said

" yea I know"

" why di-

" I slapped her because she is always being a bitch and picking fights so I thought why not make her mad this time. But I guess I got....fucked up"

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