10- How could you do this

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So it's almost been a year (sorry). I had a lot of writers block for this book. However if you are enjoying this then please let me know. :)

I saw them out of the corner of my eye. She was a pretty girl, beautiful even, her blonde hair swishing over her shoulder with an obvious smile planted on her sparkling red lips. And there he was, my boyfriend, who left me watching a scene I never thought I would come eye to eye with. His hands were tangled in her long locks, sat by the swings where he asked me to become his girlfriend. I can't remember why I was even there or how I got there. All I know is that they were kissing, passionately, stopping for breath with a smile on both faces."Ry-bear what if she finds out?" her eyes wide, a smile still on her lips. "What she doesn't know can't hurt her babe." smirking maliciously. I'd had enough of standing there watching this, my heart sunk with immediate sadness, I obviously wasn't good enough to keep him. How long had this gone on for and how could he do this to me?

Tears blurred my eyes, anger boiled inside of me- mixing with my heartbreak. I got up, deciding to hide behind the climbing frame and call Tyler- he would know what to do. He picked up the phone and I sobbed to him, explaining what I was watching. He responded with a sigh, "Well it was bound to happen at some point Mia, take a look at yourself." Panic set in, why was Tyler acting this way? It was true but I thought he was my friend. Hitting 'end call' and throwing my phone to the grass, I stormed over to the couple.

"What are you doing here babe?" Ryan stuttered out, clearly surprised to see me. "Don't you dare start that bullshit with me Ryan, I saw you. Both of you. How could you do that to me?!"  screamed in his direction, sniffling away the tears. "Honey have you not realised he doesn't want a depressed, fat, pathetic excuse for a girlfriend?" the girl confidently spoke to me. I couldn't believe what I was hearing, I was furious and upset, mainly because Ryan had not said anything- not even a guilty look plastered on his face. "I don't want you Mia, I never really did. You should have learnt from the minute you walked into Ashdene Ridge that I love toying with people's emotions, mainly skanks like you though." Ryan obnoxiously laughed, ignoring whatever I was about to say to turn to the blonde just to stick his tongue down her throat yet again.

I'm completely and utterly defeated, " Ryan, Ryan please don't leave me. Ryan, please. You're everything to me." I screamed whilst crying, them kissing replaying over in my head. Panic set in, falling to the ground, my body shaking to the extreme- was this a panic attack? My last sights were Ryan peering over me, shrugging.


My body jolted, eyes opening slowly,  a white light burst around me. Wincing from the brightness surrounding me, I squinted, lifting myself up.  *Beep Beep Beep* constantly filled my ears, pressure squeezing my wrist. I looked around, seeing a small window and a chair, I saw that the end of my bed was blue and white. I wasn't at Ashdene Ridge that was for sure. A man in a white coat walked through the door infront, "Ah Mia you're finally awake, rest your head back against the pillow please, you're very ill.". I was extremely confused to say the least, before I had the chance to ask anything he walked away. Now it's clear to see I'm sat in a hospital bed, but how did I get here?

Not long after, the door burst open, Ryan ran in followed by Mike behind. "Oh my god Mia, baby are you okay?" Ryan rushed out, coming to my side and grabbing my hand. I aggressively pushed him away from me, " And why the hell would you care? Don't call me baby, not after you sucked the face off of that blonde you arsehole!" I screamed toward him crying once again.            Mike's eyebrows knitted together, both of them looked towards each other with confusion, "Ryan what the hell?" Mike boomed over to him. Ryan now looked even more confused, "What are you talking about Mia? I would never do that to you!" he stuttered. "I know what I saw! You're the reason why I'm here." I burst out into tears, Ryan insisted that he hadn't done anything wrong but I was too hurt to listen. "Look Ryan, whether you did or you didn't I suggest you let Mia calm down.". Ryan walked back out of the room, kicking  a bin over on the way out in pure frustration of the situation.

"I'm here because I had a panic attack by the river aren't I Mike? How did I get here?" I asked, sadly.

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