4- Protect Me

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"GIVE IT BACK TYLER!" My eyes suddenly opened, heart sinking to the bottom of my stomach. As you can see, I get very jumpy quite easily. I'm still not used to the loud atmosphere here in Ashdene Ridge. Wait.. where am I? Panic filled my thoughts, my body lifting myself up out of foreign sheets. "Mia, Mia are you okay?" I heard a voice ask me from my left side. Turning me head, I see Ryan. Relief washed over me. "Thank God you're here!" I said with a loud sigh.
He furrowed his eyebrows, "Why wouldn't I be here? It's my bedroom after all.."
Stuttering, I replied "I just thought.. doesn't matter." I convincingly smiled and he nodded, understanding what I was trying to tell him.

Fingers brush against my sides, tickling me. I tried my hardest not to laugh, not to let him know that I'm ticklish. I couldn't hold it in, bursting out with laughter he smiled deeply. Dancing his fingers gently across my tummy, a sad look now masked his face. I pulled the edges of my shirt down properly from where it had ridden up slightly, he had clearly seen all of the bruises and cuts. Getting up quickly, I lift myself up off the bed only to be pulled back down. "Ryan.." I started but he interrupted, "Look Mia I know I'm just this random boy that you've only met but I just want you to know that I'll always be here to protect you. I won't let you get hurt."
"Why do you care this much?" I asked, hoping that he really liked me as much as I liked him.
He paused, about to say something but then changed his mind "Because.. you're my friend Mia."
As much as I wanted him to say what I was thinking, he didn't.

"Anyway, let's go down. Get some breakfast?" He asked me. "Sure!" I replied, my stomach growling.
"Here, put this on. You're shivering." He said, handing me his hoodie. I hadn't noticed the goosebumps all up my arms, "Thankyou." I said sweetly.
I lifted the hoodie over my head, it hung loosely on my short frame. "Bit too big don't ya think?" I giggled. "Oh it looks fineeee, come onnnnnnnn!" Ryan chewed his bottom lip, staring at me and smiled.

"Oooooooooooooh, MIKEEEEE MIA HAS RYAN'S HOODIE ON!" Floss screamed from her seat at the table. I grumbled back, too tired to care. "Floss leave Mia alone, it's just a hoodie yeah?" May-Li winked in my direction. I felt my cheeks go bright red, I chewed on the slice of toast sat in front of me. "When are we setting up the tents Mike?" Sasha asked.
"We can do it now if you want." Mike told her, she nodded and took a bag full of equipment outside with everyone following behind.
"What's going on?" I asked, not being told yet.
"Every year in the summer we set up tents and a fire with music and food and we just have a good time. Is there anyone you want to share a tent with Mia?" Mike asked me.
I looked over at Ryan, not sure if girls and boys were allowed to share. "Okay you and Ryan I'm guessing are getting on quite well, you can stay together." Mike said cheekily.
I smiled over at Ryan and he did the same to me, we followed everyone outside.

"Pass the marshmallows would you Archie?" I asked kindly, he passed the bag along to me. I popped one on the stick and placed it over the 'camp fire' in the back garden. I felt watched, Ryan's eyes were gazing lazily into the back of my head. I turned around and he pretended to look around, I laughed at him. My eyes followed Mike as he sat on his chair with a guitar in one hand. "Hey Mia, can't you play the guitar?" Jody asked. I nodded my head and shrugged.
Mike passed the guitar over to me and my face went bright red as everyone looked at me. I strummed a few cords, playing my sing that I had wrote. It has lyrics but I wasn't going to sing them in front of everyone, instead I slightly hummed.
As I stopped playing, everyone burst into a round of applause. I was shocked to say the least, my past friends always laughed and made fun of me. Ryan's mouth was wide open, "Close your mouth Reeves." I laughed. He instantly shut his mouth and brushed, "That was so good Mia!" Archie said in awe, everyone else nodding their heads.

"Right I think it's time for bed guys." Mike told the group, most people grumbled but made way to their tents. Candy-Rose and Sasha looked confused when I followed Ryan to our tent but Jody and Tyler just smiled since they were doing the same as us. I unzipped the double sleeping bag and got into the warmth. Ryan, of course, slept right next to me. We were facing each over, "You know that you're amazing at the guitar right?" He said.
I shrugged, "I'm not really that great, just average." Ryan rolled his eyes to disagree, his eyes staring into mine.

I felt like leaning in to kiss him, everything was telling me to but I couldn't. Fear of rejection, what if we wouldn't be friends after? The thoughts all entered my mind. He pushed a hair from out of my face, leaned in and his lips collided with mine. I was shocked to say the least, he pulled away and just smiled. My eyes still wide, "Goodnight Mia, oh and that was your first kiss." He smiled.
I don't know what just happened, but I think I really liked it. He was my first kiss.

Ryan Reeves Fanfiction- My Admirer From Day One.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon