3- Truth Or Dare

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I heard whispers from my position on the sofa, "Aww look how cute they looook!" A squeal from Jodie. I grunted as a bright flash was shot it my face, opening my eyes and closing them again because of the light. "What's going on?" I grumbled, moodily.
"See for yourself Mia!" Tyler giggled. Confused, I opened my eyes once more only to see Ryan's chest. My head laying still as I felt his heartbeat, his arms stretched around me. My face went bright red as I saw him wake up, "Uh, oh my god I'm so sorry. I must've got scared and fell asleep on you and uh.." I quickly apologised and sat up but Ryan just smirked and pulled my body back to his. I was quite confused to say the least, but too comfortable to complain. If this had happened with anyone else, I would feel so uncomfortable. But Ryan makes me feel protected, for some unknown reason.

"As cute as you guys look right now, aren't we going to play truth or dare?" Bailey complained. "Sure, let's play." Ryan said, still only half awake. We both sat up, me still sat on his lap and his arms stretched around my waist. "Jody, truth or dare?" I spoke up.
She smirked, clearly confident. "Truth."
Ryan whispered a good idea into my ear, "Do you have a crush on Tyler?" I giggled.
"What?!" Jody choked out.
"It's called truth for a reason Jodyyyy~" Ryan excitedly said.
"Uh.. I.. he's just.. ugh.. I'm not playing this stupid game anymore!" Jody shouted.
I squealed with happiness, clapping my hands together.
"Come on Jody, let's just leave these idiots down here." Tyler held out his hand and Jody grabbed him, walking towards the stairs.
"Get in there Tyler!" Ryan yelled, laughing.
"Okay then, now there was three. Mia, truth or dare?" Bailey questioned me. To be honest I was quite scared, "Hmm.. truth?" Ryan and Bailey both sent each other a smirk. "When did you have your first kiss and who was it with?" Bailey asked me, clearly interested.

I didn't know what to say, so I just sat there thinking of an excuse. Truth was- I've never kissed anyone before.. ever. I sighed heavily, "I haven't had my first kiss yet?" I questioned myself, mumbling quietly.
"You've not kissed anyone before?!" Ryan awwed. "Um.. no." I shyly replied.
Ryan just nodded, smiling to himself slowly.
I closed my eyes, tired of this game. So I gently leaned back and rested my head back onto Ryan's chest, Bailey smiled and walked away up to his room I'm assuming. "You know, I'm glad you finally trust me Mia.." Ryan spoke calmly, stroking his fingers through my messy hair. "Mm" I replied, sleepily.

The next thing I knew I was being lifted up and carried up the stairs, plonked onto a bed and then the footsteps left. "Nooo Ryan come back, I don't want to sleep alone. The movie.. it scared me!" I said, panicking. I didn't have to worry about the others hearing me as Ryan and I were the only two at the very end of the corridor. Luckily, he walked back in and picked me back up, not saying anything, leading me through his door and onto his bed. "Thankyou Ryan.. for all of this." I gently said in his ear.
"It's okay Mia, just get some sleep yeah? It's been a long day." He asked, kissing my bruised forehead and tucking me in next to him.
I simply placed my head back on his chest, closed my eyes and was thankful for going to sleep happy for once. I know it's my first day of meeting Ryan but I can trust him, I feel safe with him. I was finally happy, all because of one boy.

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