6- He's Back Again

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Mild language~ish

"You know, you really need some new clothes." Jodie said to me, randomly.
"What's wrong with these?" Looking down at my black shorts and jumper, I liked baggy clothes because it hides my small frame.                              
"Well you seem to wear the same thing everyday, come on, mike will let us go out shopping if you want to. Oooh! Me, Tyler, you and Ryan could go. Double date!" Jodie smirked over in my direction.
"Stop! Me and Ryan aren't together okay? Just friends.. I think. I mean, I just need some more time. He is cute though." I giggled, Jodie didn't seem girly but we had good chats about everything.

"Ahh so you think I'm cute!" Ryan waltzed in, plopping himself down on the beanbag next to me. I mentally face palmed, "N-no, I was talking about.. about the guinea pig?" Okay so there was no guinea pig.
"Yep.. uh anywayyyy, we're going shopping if you want to come?" Jodie spoke on my behalf.
"Not sure I'll be much help but okay, let's go." Ryan laughed.

We all got up, Tyler coming from around the corner and locking his fingers in Jodie's. "Mike we're going out shopping for Mia.. is that okay?" Jodie asked, politely.
Mike just nodded, not even looking up at us, clearly stressed due to the big pile of paper work on his desk.
"Wait!! I'm coming." Candy-Rose yelled, she was the shopping queen after all.
We all walked out of the front door, not saying anything until I heard a crash and turned my head. There was Bailey on top of Chloe in her wheelchair, Ryan pulling him off clearly looking quite guilty. "Sorry.. sorry.. sorry. Oops gotta go!" Ryan's strong accent came through, walking past everyone down the path.
Bailey just grumbled, picking himself off a crushed and poor Chloe.

"What about this?" Ryan shoved a black bra in my face.
"Ryan I'm looking for casual clothes, not for underwear." I giggled at his now red face, walking away to put the bra away.
Candy shoved a cute looking outfit in my face and ushered me into a changing room. She pulled across the curtain and I heard her tell the boys to wait on the chairs outside.
There was a creme baggy jumper with a short maroon coloured skirt and black tights. I loved it.

I walk out of the changing room, feeling suddenly quite shy

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I walk out of the changing room, feeling suddenly quite shy. Ryan's mouth dropped as soon as I came out, Tyler shoving him off the small seat. "Wow you look hot!!" Jodie screamed making shoppers turn their heads. I blushed, "Thankyou."
I see Ryan still staring at me, coughing awkwardly. "That looks nice." He smiled.
Tyler snorted at him, "Bro you've so fallen."
"Shut up Tyler!"
"Okay well I'm just going to get changed and then I'll buy this." I smiled,
"No! No I can buy it for you." Ryan said.
"Ryan no, don't waste your money on me." I tried to convince him but he refused.
"Falllllennnn!" Tyler snickered again, Ryan shoving him and he fell next to where Ryan was on the floor.

~Ryan's p.o.v~  (Ooh something different)
After Mia had a couple of bags with clothes in, we started walking to a small café near by.
I notice that Mia's no longer walking by my side, turning my head I see the bags on the floor along with Mia. A tall dark haired man towered above her, his hard shoe colliding into her side. Hearing her sobs and pleads for him to stop, "OI! WHO ARE YOU?! GET OFF HER!" I scream, shoving the guy from out of her view. Tyler told Jodie to take the bags and stand out of the way with Candy-Rose. He then stood next to me, helping Mia up.
The mystery man grabbed her by the hair and spat in her face.
That's it. I used all the strength I had in my long arms, seeing the look on Mia's face made me even more angry. I punched the man straight in the face, he flinched, blood pouring out of his nose. Clearly he wasn't expecting it.
His hand released Mia's tangled hair, pushing her into Tyler but I was too busy with fighting this douche.

"Who the hell do you think you are?!" I yell, in the middle of the street, people now beginning to look.
"I'm the little slags father!" He shouted, hand on my shoulder. She told me about her dad.. her parents.. they abused her and that's why she's in care. I heard Mia sob even louder, twisting his hand off my shoulder I kick him straight between the legs. He's clearly hurt and he takes a second before landing a hard punch straight into my eye. I wince but remember not to give up, I'm fighting this bastard for one reason only.
I shove him to the ground and put two legs around him, after every couple of words I hit him hard in the face "First. Of. All. How. DARE. YOU. Second. Of. All. Mia. Is. Beautiful. And. Deserved. SO. MUCH. BETTER... SO. DON'T. YOU. DARE. EVER. COME. BACK."

I leave him in a bloody pile on the ground, grabbing Mia's hand I pull her into my chest and lead her slowly away from her twat of a father. 
~Mia's P.o.v~
I just suddenly break down crying, hiccuping and sobbing into Ryan. "Hey, hey it's okay.. he's gone now." I hear him whisper.
"Ry-Ryan your eye!" Tears fill my vision as I see blood all over his face, nuckles starting to bruise and his eye is green already, with a busted lip.
"It doesn't matter about me right now, I just needed you to be okay." Ryan rushed his words out.
"I-i'm fine. You did all of that for me?" I cry, hiccuping.
"Of course I did, I would never let you get hurt."

My small arms wrap around his waist, he rests his bruised and bloody head on top of mine. His height was towering me but right now I didn't care, it was comforting.
"Come on, we're going home." Ryan said, picking me up into his arms. Jodie, Candy-rose and Tyler following behind- all of them making small talk, not knowing what to say.
"Ryan I can walk, it's okay." Tears still streaming down my face.
"No mia, you're not walking anywhere." His face is still, I take the time to stare at his face.  His chiseled jaw bone, dark brown eyes, even his tall height compared to mine. I know he noticed me staring but didn't say anything, just smiled down at me.

A few tears clouded his vision, "I wished I could've done more Mia." His voice cracked.
"You're not blaming yourself, he's a psychopath, he's a nasty person. It's no ones fault." I told him, he just nodded slowly. I curled up, still crying silently into his shirt.
"What on earths happened?" I heard May-Li's worried voice as Ryan stepped into the safety of the house. All of the others surrounded us.
"Mia's dad. He found her and- and he starting hurting her. But Ryan fought him and he saved her." Candy-Rose said like it was a magical fairy tale.
"Sorry WHAT?" Mike suddenly yells,
"Ryan are you stupid boy?!" He sighs. Ryan just looks down to me, a tear escaping from his eye.
Mike looks over to me, "I'm sorry. You were very brave Ryan. Look you need to go clean up and Mia I think you need some rest, I'll just call the police. I promise you that you'll be safe in here." He strokes a hand through my hair, my body still in Ryan's arms.

I calmed down a few hours after, still quite shaken up. Ryan took good care of me and I did to him. He sat up on the counter in the bathroom, I stood between his legs with a wet flannel and a towel. Wiping the dried blood of his face and on his lip, he winced every time I went over a bruise and I just apologised. We were silent but it was a comfortable silence.
I finally finished cleaning up his face and he looked like a sad puppy, I traced my finger over his bruises.

"You know that I appreciated it right?" I said to him, and I really meant it.
"And you know that I'd do anything for you right?" He replied.
We both just smiled, climbing on the counter next to him and putting my head on his high shoulder- an obvious height difference between us since I was 5"1 and he was around 5"11.
"They're adorable! I can't believe they aren't together yet." Billie and Tonie stand at the doorway, looking up at us.
"Wow you really changed Ryan!" Tonie pointed out. He just smiled and nodded his head.
"Can you pleaseeeeee come play with us outside, pretty please?" Billie asks us.
"Come on then." I giggled, grabbing Ryan's hand and pulling him off the counter with me, racing each over down to the garden.

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