"Duke has actually been in here before, with Calum. He's very well trained so it wouldn't be a problem for him to come with you. How about this: I can't put you on payroll until the start of April which is still two weeks away. You should come in maybe every other day between now and then to do some employee training as well as physical training so you can pick the classes you want to teach. The 2nd of April will be your first class because it's a Monday. You can self advertise for that all you want, here's a packet with how to do that and the prices etcetera. We'll start with two classes a week and if you want more or have demand for more we'll switch it up. Alright?" Josh closes the file and looks back up at me one more time.

"Sounds good to me."

After he returns the file to where it goes, he turns his chair to the wall behind him and picks up a key as well as a key card that is already attached to a lanyard. "The card gets you in and out of the front door after hours and the key gets you into your office, which we'll go see now."

He stands up and I'm reminded again of his intimidating height. Calum said he was super nice and I don't doubt it, he's double my size so of course, it's a little scary at first. I exit his office first and then wait for him to lock it behind him. Then I follow him down a couple of doors before he stops at one on the left right by the elevator. 

"Feel free to decorate it however you want." Josh unlocks it for me and I step inside. It's laid out just like his except he has a full sized fridge in his office and I have a mini one. Fine with me, there's a burrito bowl place right down the corner I'd probably start frequenting. "This office doesn't have a computer like mine but do you have a laptop you could bring? I don't know how often you'd need it. Often times clients like to communicate through text message but the initial contact will be through email. You have a work email and in that packet, it tells you how to set it up."

"Bringing my laptop won't be a problem." I nod and make a mental note to remember to find the carrying case I bought for it within the few boxes I have left to unpack. 

"So there's not really anything else on this floor you'd need. You know where to find me if you need me, Meagan is in charge of our payroll and direct deposit so that's who you'll see if you need to change any of that. All changes regarding classes and times will be through me." 

Josh pauses to open another door that leads to the stairwell and we make our way down to the second floor. "As for personal training clients, if they have a membership with us we'd add to your paycheck and if they don't and they don't want to get one then it's up to them to pay you. They can get in here as long as they're here for a session with you. It's a sweet deal, but you might enjoy teaching classes more so it's all up to you." 

We exit the stairwell and I nod. "I feel like I should've brought a notepad to write all of this down." 

I laugh at my own joke and Josh joins along. 

"So this is where all of the studios are, or the classrooms. The ones on this side are laid out like dance studios so they all have mirrors in the front and bars in the back. They also have one wall of windows facing the outside. The ones on the other side are cycling or racketball rooms. Once you start coming in the next couple of weeks we'll decide what kind of classes you want to teach but we have barre, Zumba, cardio, arms, legs, really anything you want and have interest for you can teach. You can look at the ones we already offer on the website and pick up some of those or create something new. We want you to feel like you have control of what you do because you're more likely to love it instead of us telling you what you'll do." 

We continue down the hall and he stops by one door to listen in before he opens it. It's an empty dance studio and even though the view out of the window isn't spectacular it really makes the room feel open and bright. "Wow, I'd love to spend all day in here. I do have some dance background so barre might be fun to teach." 

once // calum hoodWhere stories live. Discover now