"Glad to see your awake, Nightwing!" Pyg exclaimed.

"I told you."

"I told you, I'll show you. Perfection is possible, and I'll show you. I'll show all of Gotham. I'll gift them with life. Your friend will be complete." Robin listened carefully.

"He'll be perfect! You'll see soon. You'll see... perfection."

Another round of ringing, before silence.

Robin thought over what Pyg had said. Nightwing was awake, Pyg plans to turn Gotham into monsters, and Pyg planned to turn him into one too.


House Of Fun | Lower Levels

Nightwing stood there, his golden eyes gleaming from behind the mask lenses. He saw the shadows shift, before he turned tail and booked it, right as skinny dollotrons lunged out in a heap of screams and pale, clingy limbs.

Nightwing kept making sharp turns. Attempting to shake them, but it was useless. One dropped down from somewhere in the ceiling, and was about to land on him. He grabbed it before it grabbed him, and slammed it into the wall, never ceasing in his run.

Screams and screeches sounded from behind him. The dollotrons chased him, sometimes climbing on top of each other to reach closer. Their doll masked faces hiding their mouths. Some actually had relocated limbs. One with a leg for a arm and the arm a leg. One with both arms on one side.

Nightwing sprinted faster, looking around to find a quick escape. He saw a vent shaft entrance up ahead, with a few boxed around it. He could fit, since he was still rather small for his age, as he had always been.

The hero threw three smoke bombs, and ran towards the shaft. Fumbling and annoyed screeches rang out behind him. He used his strength to rip the vent cover off, and then crawled inside, after hooking his hidden blade in his boot to a box, and yanking it in front of the vent, hiding it.

He wasted no time, and started to quickly crawl, using his knees and elbows to pull himself along. He tried his best to be quiet while he was at it.

House Of Fun | Upper Levels

Robin had kept up his act of slumber for a while now. Fifteen minutes, perhaps. He feared that if he lowered his act, Pyg would make his move. One, that Robin could not offense agasint.

So he laid there, waiting, but not long. He heard a door creak open, and then a thunk. "I know your awake, child." Pyg said, raspy and low. Robin opened his eyes and began to breathe normally.

He squinted behind the mask, for he was greeted with a bright, florescent light shining above him. Then it was blocked by Pyg's large form as he looked down at him.

House Of Fun | Upper Levels

The Talon finally dropped down, out of the shaft. He kept crouched low, examining his surroundings.

A hall way. Dark and empty with barely any light. The lights flickering. No dollotrons. Box here and there... few doors on both sides of the hall. Offices, storage rooms, and closets.

He stood up and looked to the closest door, which was to his right. He looked through the window and saw it was a storage room. So he kept walking, and checking the rooms while he was at it. Listening for movement before he gazed through the windows.

House Of Fun | Upper Levels

"No time to lose, child. We should begin." Pyg said, fixing his yellow rubber gloves onto his hands.

Damian turned his head to the left, and watched as the man in the pink pig mask lifted a butcher knife. It's blade didn't shine like Robins katana. It was dirty, and stained with others blood.

Fowl and wretched.

Pug then hovered the blade over the masked vigilante on the table. "You'll be perfect, my boy." He said.

He started to go in, ready to pierce cut through the costume and then flesh.

House Of Fun | Upper Levels

Nightwing kept searching. His eyes glowing through the darkness light headlights. Red Hood had pointed that one out. Even nicknamed him that after seeing Nightwing's foes freeze like deer caught in it.


The Talon peeked over the next widow, and bingo. He saw Pyg with his back turned from him, and facing a table. So the hero took his chance, and opened the door silently.


He used the tricks he was taught about old doors, and how to keep them from creaking. So once opened enough, he slipped through and came up behind Pyg.

He then noticed who was on the table.


His brother, Damian, laid on the table with a scowl, as he looked up at Pyg and glared. The former Talon then noticed the readying butcher knife.


That's when he snapped.

He lost all control and sense, and the assassin took over.

He raised his fist, that was covered in a razor sharp talon gauntlet, and pulled it back, before punching it forward.

He heard a sickening crunch and squish, and felt the gushing and oozing liquid run off his arm. He felt the spray of metallic blood hit his face; And even though he wore a metal glove, he could feel his hand grasp the heart. The heart of Pyg.

He shut his eyes, and pulled his arm out. Ignoring the horrible sound of more squishing and crunches. Ignoring the sound of squeaking and gurgeling from Pyg, and then the thud.

Instead, he heard the sound of imaginary ticking, as he still counted the seconds.



Alright, I don't know how the REAL Pyg acts, or how dollotrons look and act. Neither a bunch of Talon facts.

Ha, that made a rhyme.

But, this is a different world. This is the world I created, and this is how things are. I wanted the dolls creepier. I wanted Pyg... idk. Different.

Point is, it's not gonna be the same as the rest of the stuff. So yeah.

None of this matters, but I want you to know.

Please give me some feed back!


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