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"P-please...please don't tell mom" the boy whispered between breaths. His adrenaline had fallen, and only now had he started feeling the pain.

"I'm a afraid we must-- she is your mother"

"P..please...she will be worried" he replies, his eyes crossing attempting to stay awake

"That's exactly why we should call her"
His breathing returns to normal as his eyes finally close to sleep.
I sigh looking at his hospital papers


Laughter fills the staff room as Sunny pulls on my hair like I'm a unicorn, my face slapped on the counter in exhaustion and my eyes fighting to stay awake.

"You look like you're having fun" A voice speaks as the door opens.
"Daddy!!" Sunny immediately jumps off to hug Kurama.
I slap my other cheek on the counter so my face turns to him, to which he only widens his eyes
"Did...you get sleep?" He asks in concern setting down his last patient's papers in a folder.
"Jshevjai" I say,
"Touché...hey Y/N?" Kurama asks "you work as a doctor and a hero...why do you need to be a hacker as well" he asks making two cups of coffee
"Das how ah duu me hehro job (that's how I do my hero job)" i slur
"Well yes I know that.. but why not just become like those guys that have a license just to use their quirk?" He sets a cup in front of me and I stare at it blankly

"Money is what makes the world go around" I reply before standing up, falling off balance a little.
"Villains want money, heroes do it for money, humans live for money" I start heading to the door.
"Y/N wait" he reaches out as i close the door behind me.

Toshinori Pov

"What a long day" I sigh to the young boy beside me
"Are you ok All Might?" Midoriya asks
"Can't say...I mean- me,myself, am fine...but I dont know if she is" I look into the distance as the image of H/N came into mind.
"She?" The green haired repeats before gasping with sparkly eyes "All Might, are you perhaps....in love?" I cough at the question
"L-l-l-love??!!" I repeat surprised "o-oh no-no! It's just a hero that uuuh was supposed to work with us but hasn't called in a while" I explained quickly in panic as the boy tilted his head
"A new teacher? Who is she?" He asks with a wide curious smile
"I dont think you would know her..."
"Just tell me, please?" He begs
"Fine..Their name is H/N".
As soon as the name left my lips his eyes lit up
"Wait! H/N??!!! Like the hero that no one has spotted and works in the night?!" He asks excitedly
"I assume so...seems you know more about her than I do" I chuckle.
"Know her? All Might, she is all the internet nerds ever talk about!" He grabs my shoulders with wide eyes
"It is said that she always arrives at a villain's hideout before anything happens, she leaves a note for the police always when she catches them without ever showing a trace or her face! it's like something out of a comic book!" I stare at him wide eyed at his fanboying
"Some, have come up with theories about her" he lifts up a finger in my face with a serious face
"It is said that she actually hacks into the villains information, or that in reality she is actually a villain! But ofcourse I dont believe that, it would be cool though!" He keeps talking more and more, this boy really did his research.
I smile at the boy that just cannot stop admiring, I really hope H/N comes work at the academy now.

"Midoriya?" A familiar sweet voice calls out silencing the boy and making us both turn, before our eyes was none other than--

"Dr S/N!" The boy calls out "it's good to see you"
"Likewise, how have you been holding?" She asks with a smile "hopefully you've had enough of breaking bones" she chuckles patting the boy's head.

"H/N...?" I say quietly, Midoriya turning inbetween me and H/N
"Wait...H/N?" He looks up at the doctor that once treated him "yoU'RE H/N--mpph"
"Shhh ahhh fuwafuwa-chan, they may hear you" she covered his mouth with the palm of her hand, once the boy had calmed down she took it away
"You're H/N?" Midoriya asks in a whisper to which both me and her nod to
"You must be a teacher from the academy, I remember seeing you there" she smiles at me "I'm afraid I never caught your name" she frowns

"O-oh! I am Toshinori Yagi, its..its nice to see you again Dr H/N" I scratch my neck as I step closer to them
"Please, call me Y/N- that's for you too fuwafuwa-chan"
"Fu..wa..fuwa?" I repeat confused
"Oh! That's just a nickname that I gave to him, since his hair is really soft~ (fuwa fuwa) " she ruffles his hair before giggling.

That giggle entered my ears and went straight to my heart. As a hero I like to see people happy, but she...she was special.

"Oh, by the way I have a favour to ask you both" she smiles and then places a finger over her lips
"Keep my hero identity a secret, pretty please?" She winks

Thump thump

My heart skips a beat, she is truly beautiful...
Before me and midoriya could agree to it, she collapsed.

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