Chapter 1

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I still don't always understand how I found myself here. One second I'm a normal eight-year-old who was enjoying a camping trip with her family, the next, I'm hunting the monsters that took my family away from me, then we get to where I'm at today, teaming up with those very monsters because what I've been taught almost my whole life was wrong. I hardly know what's right from wrong anymore. It's like I have an angel and devil sitting on my shoulders whispering to me, trying to pull me in different directions.

All I do know is that this pack of misfits, of nomads, outcasts, this family is changing my life once again and I actually feel scared again because I was so numb for so long. I don't remember what family really feels like anymore, but these people, they feel like family, they feel like home.

I was a huntress, I only cared for the kill and I never let my prey go. The one time I did, well that's where this story takes place.

Ten Years Ago

"Mommy, is it time to make smores yet?" An eight-year-old girl asked her mother waiting for the time that she could finally have one of her favorite treats. She loved camping because that meant she got to have smores and spend time with her family away from the rest of the world.

"Almost sweetie. Why don't you get changed into your PJ's while your father and I get everything ready?" Her mother smiled pushing the girl towards the tent. The little girl grinned running to the tent and changing into her PJs as fast as she could.

That's when it happened. First, the scream of her mother, followed by the scream of her father, the screaming continued and the sound of bones breaking and flesh being ripped apart followed until it was silent. The little girl was frozen in place in her tent, she couldn't move, she knew better than to move.

In the distance, there was a howl of a wolf, many other's came after until all she could hear was their howls.

The little girl stayed in that tent until the next morning when a Fish and Game warden showed up at the campsite and found the travesty. He found her in the corner of the tent, lips blue from the cold and fear still residing inside of her. Her family had been murdered, she was lucky that she hadn't been as well.

Days turned into weeks, weeks turned into months, months turned into a year by the time someone came forward and wanted to help the little girl. The Argents saved the little girl, they did more than that even, they gave her a purpose, they gave her a reason to live, they gave her a drive. It wasn't long before she started to feel better about herself, she was still numb, but that was okay, she was going to rip the world of every single monster like the ones that killed her family.


That's what she thought as a young girl who had to listen to her family be murdered and is haunted by their screams and the howling that she heard the rest of the night. She thought that for a long time, now ten years later, everything isn't how it used to be.

That little girl was now eighteen and starting to think a little more for herself and a lot less for than the people who saved her and taught her everything that she knows. She's found herself looking for an Argent who she's never met let alone heard of, but she wants to know if what she's been doing for almost her whole life is right anymore or if she's been wrong.

Chris Argent was who she was hoping to find when she went to Beacon Hills, who she actually found was what she was truly looking for. 

Huntress [Derek Hale] [Teen Wolf]Where stories live. Discover now