.Ma baby 2.0 different versions

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Did you guys know that there are actually different types of ma babys?

If you are thinking something along the lines of " no thts reduckuloss im in waitakre" in your kaawee accent.

Then this chapter will explainss.

You probably think that we just made this up to add a chapter but no im being seri honest right now. This has been a thing, not from the very start but more when the ma baby developed.

The first diff type of ma baby

The princess MA baby

The princess ma baby is a.....blessing waaay. You have to have the princess to pass it on. I expect only one of these to exist a day. If you get the princess you will have scary math teacher immunity for a day. I WOULD LOVE IT. Its a gift from us really. The scary math teacher off your choice will not be mean to you for a day.*not guaranteed*. When you get the princess ma baby you will know how to draw it.

The second is...

The condolence MA Baby

This MA baby is so rare even I (mercimoose) have only seen it once in my life. This ma baby cannot be used sillyishness. It is a ma baby with a black hat on. This ma baby is a way of saying "sorry" or showing empathy or sympathy.

MA Baby X



The 5SOS MA baby

Soz bros this doesnt exist. (Other authors if you remove this I will drop u)

As you can tell im ruining out of things here

I feel like putting a JB ma baby for things you hate but then people would get mad

More MA babys coming soon keep a look out.



Guys im so sad rn

I had the bestest idea and then kiara messaged me asking if i could come to the silly mall tomorrow and I forgot dang it.

MA babyS not MA babies

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