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It was the middle of the day when Havenfield got a strange visitor, not that anyone had seen him.

But they smelled him alright.

Sadly, the mysterious boy hadn't been there for long.  He'd just dropped off one thing then leaped away.

Part of Sophie wanted to force an all out search of where he'd gone to the second her bodyguards realized he was gone, while the other part of her knew she shouldn't.  Not without reading the note he'd left.

Withing the privacy of her bedroom, Sophie opened the letter that'd been dropped where Dex had stood only for a few seconds.  Why hadn't he said anything?  Did he think she'd betray him like that?


I can't explain what happened that night.  There was screaming so I went to the triplets room, then there were more noises so we crept downstairs and I found our parents.

I wish I could say it was me who did it all, that'd make things easier.  It'd make the guilt in my stomach make sense.  But it wasn't me.  I don't know what Lovise saw, but it wasn't me.  I was hiding with the triplets when we heard about that (yes, we were still on the property at that time. We couldn't move, what did you expect?)

Meanwhile, today I heard they'd be looking at something that they think might be our camp in a week or so.  I can't let that happen.  I don't want anything bad to happen to the triplets.

If they were back home, you guys wouldn't let anything happen to them, right?

If I were back would you let them take me away for something I didn't do?

I hope you wouldn't, but I'm not sure why I'm asking you since there's no way for you to respond as long as you have no way to contact me - which reminds me I should probably explain why you can't find me on the spyball or via your telepathy.

It'd just a little gadget I made, so no, I'm clearly not dead.  Honestly, I don't think the triplets even know about it.

I just really don't want us to be found out yet.  Why do all those posters say 'wanted dead or alive?'  Would people actually kill me on the spot?  Do they hate me that badly now?

Maybe it was me.  Maybe I hallucinated hiding in the tree.  Maybe I'm hallucinating me protecting the triplets.  What if they're staying with me against their will?  I'm the last immediate family they have left.

I don't know what to do.  I don't even know why I'm writing this and giving it to you.

Guess I've ran out of options.

God, Sophie, I'm so scared.

There were more notes with more writing on the back of her's, but they weren't Sophie's to read.  They weren't addressed to her.

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