Sunlike Winds

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It's snowing at my house and we never get snow, but I'm inside writing this.  Also had no idea how to write that last part so yay.
Also, so sorry this took forever to update if you were waiting and sorry it's so very rushed.


It turned out, finding a name for a bunny the way Bex had suggested was not easy.

Dex grumbled as he stared at the names.

Juline Dizznee

Kesler Dizznee

Sophie Foster

Keefe Sencen

Fitz Vacker

Biana Vacker

Tam Song

Linh Song

Wylie Endal

Dex bit his lip as he wrote out the letters that started their first names.  It didn't do much, but it was bringing him somewhere.  Maybe he could make a word or two.

He started with his parents, figuring that they, and only they, should make the first name of the bunny.  But the two letters J and K clearly weren't going to make any sort of a word.  At best it was an abbreviation for 'just kidding,' and that didn't seem right...  So, Dex stared at the letters of their first names, thinking of what words he could make.

He was able to come up with three words, which surprised him.  He wrote the ideas for the first name of the bunny down, before turning his attention to the rest of the names.

Erasing the letters he'd wrote down on the side of the paper, Dex began to write the first letters of their last names, turning his head up for a moment when he heard Bex scream, then back down when he saw that Lex had just poured some muddy moss into her newly washed hair.  He really should have made them wrestle before they bathed.

Still, he came back empty handed.  Maybe a weird mashup of their names would work?  Dex thought the idea over in his head, tossing it around like a volleyball.  Again, nothing.   Sitameeflieana didn't sound very pleasing to the ears.

Dex groaned, putting the pencil and paper back down.  There was nothing he could come up with to use his friends names.  But he smiled at the fact that he could use the letters of his parents names to make a words.

Standing up, Dex turned to his side where the triplets were still fighting in the grass.  He looked down at the bunny, who seemed to have fallen asleep on the mat, before he raced off in the direction of his siblings.

Who said seventeen year-olds weren't allowed to join in a bit of a play fight?

The triplets laughed and screamed when they saw Dex coming after them.  They tumbled, and giggled, and rolled until all of them were dizzy with joy.

And for once they all felt like it'd really be okay.  Maybe they wouldn't get to go home for a while, but eventually they would and none of them would be thought of as killers or kidnappers or captives.  They'd just be them with their parents watching.

Juline and Kesler would dance at their weddings.  Both of them in their favorite outfits that they saved for the specialist of occasions.

Kesler would walk them down the isle as Juline cried tears of joy.

They'd be there when the triplets got to graduate from Foxfire.

And no one could tell the Dizznee children otherwise.


"I really should have let you guys fight before we took a bath,"  Dex grumbled as he brushed out Bex's muddy hair.

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