Shut Up And Dance With Me

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Hey, someone let me know if you'd be interested in seeing me actually draw the fort/shack thing they're sleeping in.
I kind of want to draw it, but if no one really cares, I don't really wanna waste my time :/

Lex and Rex came back after a few minutes, laughing at one another.

And their laughing only continued once they saw the confused looks on Dex and Bex's faces.

Dex raised an eyebrow as Rex leaned over, only giggling harder. "What's so funny."

Lex followed in his brother's motion as an answer.

Bex snorted.  "I guess they're brains finally short circuited from all that mallowmelt they had the other day."

There was silence, other than the giggling boys, for a few minutes.  But, Rex finally raised, a finger, signalling for the others to give him a moment before he could talk.

"So," he started, out of breath and still slightly laughing, "there was this bug.  And it fell on Lex."  And with that, he was bent over once more.  "Then once it was on him he screamed and at the time he was going to the bathroom and...," he broke out into hysterics.

Lex put his hands over his face, trying to stop the chuckles.  "Never again.  Never again."

"Okay?"  Dex said with a snicker.  "I'm so sorry you had to see that, Rex.  But at least you didn't have to deal with three toddler triplets sprinting out of the bath butt naked!"

Lex let out a mock gasp.  "How dare you use that against us.  We were two!"

"That is way old enough to know how to not knock into your older brother on your way to cause terror."

"I don't think I quite agree,"  Bex said with a smirk.  "Most two-year olds - who aren't Dex Dizznee, the responsible prankster - don't know-"

"You're a Dizznee.  You should have known."

"Maybe we just wanted to traumatize you,"  Lex said, wiggling his eyebrows.

Dex rolled his eyes with a smile.  "Of course you did."

"In fact,"  Lex began was he walked over to the radio, turning it up to full volume, "I think we'd like to continue our rein of terror."

"Oh you would, would you?"  Dex had to speak loudly over the sudden blast of noise.

Bex stood up, taking Rex's hands and moving them back and fourth as the music played.

'It was a strange place and a tender age, I was just a babe in school'
'Saw them roll their eyes at me every time that I thought that I was cool'
'Well, uh, God knows I was no chosen one that just wasn't my prime'
'Yeah it's just a matter of time, honey, it's just a matter of time'

"Come on, Dexy!  Start dancing!"  Lex called, grabbing Dex's hands, just like Bex had done with Rex.

Dex smiled.  He was in such a good mood that he almost forgot the nickname is what Keefe used to call him.  He'd said it so much around the triplets, that they'd all picked it up.

"Ew,"  Lex mumbled, "I don't need to be an empath to feel that negativity.  LET'S BE POSITIVE!"  He began jumping with the lyrics.

'Yeah, I'm a workaholic and I swear, I swear'

'Yeah, one day I will beat you fair and square'

Dex began laughing with his siblings silly dance moves and actions, starting to do his own odd movements.  If they could, why couldn't he?

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