I-It's Cold

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Not surprisingly, it turned out that carrying the bunny was not an easy task.

It just wanted to jump, and hop, and scurry, and wiggle, and do everything that wasn't being still whenever it sat in Bex's arms.

"Are you sure we need that thing?"  Dex mumbled as they walked down the path.

Bex mock gasped.  "Of course we need it!"

"But it could be-"

"We know.  'But guys, it could be Tinker!  This poor innocent bunny rabbit could be a part of an organization that once loved me!'"  Lex said dramatically, his voice doing a nearly perfect impression of Dex.  "I mean, you're a technopath for crying out loud!  Wouldn't you have been able to tell that it was a fake?"

"And don't even try with that dumb, 'Tinker is really smart though,' thing."  Bex cut in.  Her arms contracted around the bunny as it tried to get away again.

Dex rolled his eyes.  He sure had some very stubborn siblings.  "But Tinker is smart!  You're all overestimating me-"

"Says the boy who was able to detect that it was a fake the first time he met Tinker with in a minute."  Rex said as he turned around to face Dex, walking backwards on the path.

"She could always change where she puts certain gears on the thing."  Dex said, giving his best glare at all of them.  "At any minute the Black Swan could come in and boot us out of here."

"Stop pouting," Lex said.  "It doesn't look good."

"Yeah.  You look like our little brother."  Bex sighed.

Dex groaned, turning his attention back towards Rex to foolishly see if he would help him.

He was met with his brother holding up an eyebrow with a smirk.

"Fine," Dex said, exasperated.

"Good.  And, I mean, we did tell it to at least give us some time if it is her.  It might have been mostly to calm you down, but still, has anyone caught us yet?  Found us and took you to jail with us screaming and crying as we're being dragged away?  No, because this thing isn't Tinker!"

Dex rolled his eyes again, hating the idea of having to leave his triplets alone in a world that might never listen to them.

The group remained in a strained, yet somewhat peaceful, silence as they walked the remainder of the way to the river.  The icy air blew against their skin as the cold-looking sun shown light through the trees and leaves.

They rounded a few more turns to get to where the large grove they'd entered a few minutes ago ended and lead them into a meadow of sorts that was completed with a stream running through the middle of it.  That stream lead to a river not to far from there, which was where they'd normally went to bathe.

"How cold do you think the water is?"  Lex asked, walking up next to Rex to help lead.

Rex shrugged.  "Probably super cold."

"Remind me to get something to warm us up the next time I go into the Lost Cities," Dex mumbled as they walked up to the stream to begin following it.

"Bex, why don't you stick a finger or toe in the water and tell us how much it freezes you?"  Lex snorted.

"Yeah, uh, no way in hell.  Besides, I'm holding the bunny!"  She said defensively.

"I'll do it," Dex volenteered.  Slowly, he bent down, holding out his first finger.  He took in a breath.

"You're acting like this is going to kill you."

"Shut up, Bex."  Dex closed his eyes and stuck his finger all the way into the water.  He left it there for a few seconds and actually... it wasn't as cold as he thought it would be.  Dex pulled out his finger.

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