We Need A Book...s

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For the continuation of the early morning, the winds stayed the same.  Thankfully for Dex, Lex, and Rex, they died down at around 4:00 a.m.  Bex meanwhile, was still unconscious.  It was more concerning by the minute, though nobody knew what to do except put her back in the shack once Lex and Rex had rebuilt the broken bits and gotten most of the unwanted dirt out.

Gingerly, Dex sat his little sister down.  He felt her forehead to make sure there was no fever.  "Rex do you think you can get me some water?"  He asked after pulling his hand away from her burning forehead.

Rex nodded, going into the closet where the food was kept as Lex took a seat across from Dex on the cold ground.  "Do you think she'll be okay."

Dex shrugged.  The idea of her not being okay was too painful.  Especially after what'd happened to their parents.  "Bex is a fighter.  She just has a small fever right now."  He'd accidentally finished the sentence with a yawn.  So much for serious talk.

After pulling off Bex's extra articles of clothing - along with the cape she'd put on the front of herself - Dex folded and put them to the side.  He made sure to pull off her shoes as well.  Next he pulled up the cover of her sleeping bag to keep her body warm.

"Did," Lex cleared his throat, eyes shifting to Rex as he emerged from the back of the shack, "did you guys see what she did last night?  I wasn't going crazy?"

Dex looked at his younger brother as he nodded at Lex's question.  But there was no way Bex could have manifested as any sort of a guster, right?  The only guster Dex knew about in the family was his great grandmother on his father's side of the family.  Not even her daughter, who was Dex and the triplet's grandmother, had gotten it.  So why and how would Bex have received it?  

Genetics were so weird sometimes.

He sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose as he tried to find a solution to the new mess they'd found themselves in.  He couldn't go to his great grandmother.  They couldn't meet with any gusters.  None of them knew anything about the ability, and they hadn't brought books with them.  The triplets had early on given up on the idea of them manifesting - something they were completely fine with - and told Dex to only grab essentials when he went to the house to grab supplies.  However...

Dex stood up, going into the closet and quickly exited with a bag that'd been emptied along with an obscurer.  His strides didn't stop as he left the shack.

Lex ran out after him.  "Where are you going?"

"She needs a book on how to manifest and we need to learn how to take care of her and what's going on."  Dex replied, looking down at his brother with a sharp look before sighing and changing his facial expression once he looked into Lex's eyes.  "What else am I supposed to do?"

Lex shrugged, looking off to the side into a grove of trees.  "When will you be back?"

Dex looked up at the sun through the leaves on the branches.  "I don't know.  Sometime between 5:00 and 6:00 p.m. would be my best guess.  I'm not entirely sure where they keep books on this stuff other than the Foxfire library."

"But you haven't slept since who knows when!  At least take a nap fir-"

"Lex she needs that book!  I'll be fine."  Dex snapped.

The triplet pulled away with a hurt expression.  Looking down, he nodded.

Dex remembered when Lex would have snapped back at him just for that, but looking at him now, he wondered if he ever would again.  If any of them would, quite frankly.  Their hair was still messy, their parents were dead, they were all considered possible criminals, and one of them was suddenly ill.

Despite himself, Dex felt his eyes getting wet as his vision blurred.  He pulled Lex in for a hug.

"You need more sleep."  Lex sniffed.  His voice came out as a whine - not an annoying one.  The sound was more of a begging plea.  "What if you pass out while you're there?  Or you can't make it back?"

"I know," Dex mumbled into the strawberry-blonde hair softly.  "I just don't want anything to happen to any of you, so if there's something we desperately need, I'm going to go get it.  In danger of passing out or not."

He felt Lex nod into his shoulder, wrapping his arms back around Dex.

"Will you and Rex please take turns sleeping though?"  Dex asked, pulling away to look at his brother.

"I guess so."

"Thank you.  I'll go say bye to Rex."

Lex nodded, releasing his death grip and lazily walking back to the unlit campfire to restart it.

"Hey, Rex,"  Dex said, poking his head into the shack to look at where his brother was already changing out the cloth on Bex's forehead.  "I'm uh- I'm gonna go get a book."

"I heard.  Be safe out there," Rex responded with a small smile.  It wasn't enough to show his dimples, but it was enough to give Dex the little boost of energy he needed.  

They'd all be okay without him.

Dex bobbed his head up and down as he pulled back out of the shack and began his walk, waving to Lex on his way out.  

He stopped midway to the path that lead to the lost cities.  "Lex?"

Said boy looked up at him in response.

"Do you think I should just go ahead and grab as many books on as many different abilities as I can?  That way the council won't know who manifested or what exactly had happened if they're able to link the missing book to us."

Lex nodded.  "That's a good idea.  Don't forget to grab more cinnacreme by the way."

Dex snorted, but gave a thumbs up before turning on the obscurer and continuing his walk.

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