Chapter 3 ~ Shots part 1

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~Ashton's POV~

It's been two weeks since I adopted Anastasia. Today we have to bring her to catch up on her vaccinations and she is not gonna be a happy little girl. I grabbed her diaper bag and picked her up and carried her to the car and buckled her Into the car seat and got in and drove to the hospital.

At the hospital

~Mikey's POV~

Ashton walked in with a sleepy looking Anastasia. When she saw where we were she started getting fussy "Dwaddy, uncle Mikey, uncle Luke, uncle Cal no tots (shots) pwease" she wails. I took her from Ash and held her on my hip. "Hey calm down pumpkin it's ok my love" I cooed while I sat her on my lap. I pulled her dress up a little below her diaper, I held her arms in my hands. Ash came over and cupped her face in his hands. Luke came over and held her legs still. Cal came over with a tray of 12 SHOTS💉!! oh boy she is going to scream!

~Calum's POV~

I wiped her thigh. Anastasia let out a soft cry. "Cal hang on let me get her pacifier" Ash said he got up and grabbed it. He came an put it in her mouth and cupped her face back in his hands. I knew she was going to cry.  "i'll do six first 3 on each leg then we will take a little break so she can calm down" i say and they nod 

~Anastasia's POV~

I sucked on my Pacifier. I felt the sharp poke in my right thigh and I cried😭. I felt it come out and i felt another sharp poke on my right thigh. I started wailing to where my pacifier fell out and my face turned red. "Shh baby girl I know it hurts but i need you to calm down baby!" daddy said . Dwaddy hwold mwe pwease!" I wail as I felt another sharp poke on my right thigh. "ok ok here i'll hold you baby" daddy said and switched spots with uncle Mikey. I felt a painful sting in my left thigh and I started kicking and screaming! "STOP PWEASE IT HWUTS!" I wail "Woah calm down sweet girl it's ok" uncle Luke said putting my pacifier back in my mouth. I felt the next one and I screamed at the top of my lungs. "OWIEEEEE" I scream i felt one more poke and then band-aids. 

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Sep 22, 2019 ⏰

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