Chapter 2 ~ Hospital Madness

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~Ashton's POV~

We got Anastasia a room where I laid her down so we could get the stuff for stitches. Mikey and I were in the hall outside her room talking about ho we want to do this "hey Ash do you wanna sit on the bed with her laying between your legs" Mikey asked "good I-" "D-DA-DADDY!!!" I heard Anastasia wailing. "hey princess it ok pretty girl" I coo as I have Mikey hold her. I sat on the bed with my back against the wall and my legs on the bed. Mikey gently laid her down on her back between my legs where she starts squirming and moving all around. Mikey text Ms.Cookie and tell her to come here please. Mikey nodded and went into the hall:

~On the phone~

Ms.Cookie: Hey Mikey what's wrong?

Mikey: Hey where are you?

Ms.Cookie: the hospital parking lot why?

Mikey: just come back in the way you came before and tell them to page me we need your help with Anastasia she needs to get numbing shots so she wont feel us stitching her leg and back but she keeps screaming and kicking every time I comes over to her.

Ms.Cookie: ok be there in a few

~End of phone~

I finally got Anastasia to fall asleep in my arms. Mikey came back in and said she will be here in a few minutes. "I see our little cutie pie tired herself out" he said chuckling. A few minutes later he was paged. Anastasia woke up and I laid her back down between my legs and she started to get upset. "Daddy I wanna go home" she cries while squirming and kicking her tiny legs. "hey little one it's ok I know " Ms.Cookie cooed walking in and holding her legs still. I grabbed her hands and kissed her forehead "Ok cutie little pinch princess" Mikey said "daddy no no no me no want shots please" she begged I picked her up and held her in my arms. "Mikey please page Liam and Luke. Mikey paged the boys and they were here three minutes later. Liam held her waist down and rubbed her tummy to try and sooth her. "aww sweet girl it's ok my love calm down babygirl" Luke cooed while cupping her face in his hands and kissing her face all over (nose, cheeks forehead) making her giggle. Mikey nodded and cleaned her thigh. Anastasia started getting scared. Mikey squished the chubby part of her leg and quickly poked it into her thigh "OWWWWWWWWWWW DADDY IT HURTS" She screamed her face turning red from screaming. Mikey quickly took it out "it's ok honey breath!" Luke said kissing her bright red face. Mikey quickly did the stitches and i stood up with her in my arms holding her head into my neck and bouncing her gently to get her to calm  down "let's do her check up in a few days" I said putting her gently in her car seat they nodded and we headed home.

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