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The long dining table was filled with all the Weasley's, along with Harry and Hermione. She took a seat in between Ginny and Percy. The twins stared at their friend who sat opposite them. Aliah could tell that they had questions to ask but she gave them a shake of her head.

Aliah told Ginny because she was desperate. She wasn't sure if she was ready for anyone else to know. Knowing that talking would distract her, Aliah turned to the head of the table, "I'm sorry Mrs Weasley for coming unannounced. I decided that I didn't want to be alone,"

"So nothing happened to you at the castle?" Mrs Weasley asked accusingly. She too had noticed the girl's eyes and knew that they were from crying and fatigue.

"No Mrs Weasley," Aliah lied. "I just wanted to be surrounded by my friends."


After dinner, Ginny and Aliah returned to Ginny's room. She told Ginny the full story. How she found out about Snape and McGonagall, about the hospital and what Madame Pomfrey had told her.

"I'm sorry to say this Aliah, but you need to talk to Snape," Ginny said from her bed. Aliah was sitting on the floor, her head resting on the bed.

"I can't even look at him Ginny," Aliah protested. The two paused their conversation due to the knock on the door. A second later, two twin heads poked their heads in.

"Hey, we just wanted to check on you," George said. Ginny waved the two boys inside. They both decided to sit on the floor in front of the girls.

"Yeah. We need to know how our star prankster is going," Fred laughed.

"I'm ok," Aliah pressed. Both boys shook their heads. "Listen, I will be fine, just, for now, let me-"

Aliah stopped when she heard Mr Weasley call her and Ginny. The group frowned at other but did as they were told. The boys took lead. Aliah followed Ginny and her brothers down the stairs to the living room.

Shock filled her face when she spotted what the commotion was about. She took a step back. Fred and George noticed the uneasiness and stepped in front of Aliah. Snape and McGonagall stood up from the couch.

"Aliah please listen," Snape begged. Aliah's brain and body weren't cooperating. She didn't know what to do or say. All she knew was that she had to run. Turning around, she bolted for the fireplace. Before anyway could stop her, Aliah managed to grab some floo powder and jump into the fireplace.

There was only one more place in this new world where she could relax and able to hear her own thoughts. Aliah stumbled forward onto a hard floor. She coughed as the wind was taken out of her, along with powder residue.

Aliah lifted her head to scan her surroundings to see where she was. The room was very spacious. It had emerald coloured walls which contrasted nicely with dark, timber floorboards. There were two black couches on the left side of the room with a matching table. Aliah stood up and noticed the four, poster bed. The wall in front of the bed was covered in books. She was in a bedroom.

Aliah snapped her head to the left. She could hear water running behind a door. Which she guessed was the bathroom. She stayed still as she thought back of what had happened at the Burrows. They had followed her.

She felt the tears come out again but pushed them back. "Aliah?" a voice called. Aliah smiled and turned towards him. Draco was dumbfounded as he stood with shorts and no shirt. Water droplets were sliding down his chest and torso to his V-line. Aliah gulped at the sight.

Draco would've smirked if he didn't see the distress in her face. "Aliah," he softly called as moved closer to her. Aliah looked into his eyes and leapt into his arms.

"I'm sorry Draco," she sniffed. She attempted to pull away.

"Don't be sorry Aliah. What happened?" he said as he hugged her tighter. He guided Aliah to the couch and she explained everything that had happen that day. She couldn't control the words that came out of her mouth, but there was something alluring about Draco.

"Did you bring any clothes?" He asked softly.

"I left them at the Burrows. I'm an Idiot," she muttered the last words, not expecting Draco to hear her.

"You are not an idiot. Here take one of my shirts," he stood up and grabbed a white shirt from the armoire behind him. He returned and handed it to Aliah. "I will go ask my mother if she has any clothes you could borrow. Is that ok? Will you be ok?

Aliah fumbled his shirt. "Thank you, Draco,"

He rubbed her arms. "You are safe Aliah, I won't let anything happen to you while you are here. Now, go get changed and get comfortable, I'll be back soon,"

Draco kissed her forehead left the room. Aliah stripped out of her jeans and jumper and into his shirt. The shirt reached her mid-thigh and covered everything. She neatly folded her clothes and placed them on the couch.

She sat on the other couch and laid down. Aliah couldn't kick Draco out of his bed, not with him being so kind hearted towards her. She reached over to the blanket on the edge of the couch. She laid back down and covered herself. Almost instantly, she took a relaxed breath and fell asleep.

Draco returned and found his girlfriend asleep on the couch. He walked over and picked her up onto his bed. He put the quilt over her and she seemed to have relaxed. He kissed her forehead and returned to sleep on the couch.

Blood is Thicker Than Water (REWRITTEN)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz