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This story is dedicated to Coralola01 if it wasn't for her I would never have had the confidence to start writing this or any other of my books.
Thank you, for being a great friend!




Fear and screams were the only things that were present in the hospital wing. A woman with brown hair and sparkling brown eyes laid on the bed in the utmost pain.

Her husband stood next to her. His muscles were tense and at that moment he only knew fear for his wife and unborn child. His hand throbbed from the tight squeeze of his wife's grip. He whispered comforting words but he knew that she couldn't hear him over her screams.

The matron sat at the foot of the bed, waiting for a head to show. She too was fearful. She knew the mother would not survive, there was too much blood, but she did not dare say a word. After all, magic was all but a curse.

A squeal finally sounded.

With a final push, the child was finally free into the matron's arms. Madame Pomfrey wrapped the child in a blanket and passed her on to her Father.

Severus gently cradled his daughter, Cherishing the moment as he knew this would be the last time he would ever see her. The baby opened her eyes. Her nose was pointed like his, but overall, she greatly resembled her mother.

Severus turned around to proudly show the baby to the woman who just gave birth to her. His eyes widen. His wife laid on the bed pale and lifeless.

Severus screamed.

The curtain opened, revealing Albus Dumbledore and Minerva McGonagall.

"Severus?" Albus asked carefully. Severus shook his head. Minerva's knees buckled and fell onto the old wizard. Tears streaming down her face for the loss of her only daughter.

The child in Severus' arms felt the sadness in the room and cried with her grandmother. Severus took the child outside of the hospital wing and sat on the bottom step. He held the baby tightly to his chest, rocking back and forth.

He silently wished for the world to be different. He wished that he could protect his miracle that now slept in his arms. He wanted nothing more than to take the child and take her home. To put her in the nursery which his wife painted by hand because she was too stubborn to use magic.

None of that was possible and it was only minutes until she was taken away by Albus. Albus was going to put her in a home that Severus was to not know of.

His heart physically ached.

How was it possible to lose your two most precious jewels in one day? Knowing that you would never see them again?

Minerva appeared in front of him, and he was about to find out the answers to his questions.

Severus stood up and studied the old woman. She was worn out, more than he had ever seen her. Her eyes were red and puffy with dark bags under her eyes. The worry and lack of sleep over the past few days had taken a toll on everyone, it seemed Minerva had the worst of it.

She held out her arms, it was time. Severus kissed the baby's forehead and muttered one last goodbye before handing the infant to her grandmother.

As soon as the child was safe, he stormed off down the corridor to his quarters.  He couldn't watch her be taken away. No, here in isolation was the best option for everyone right now.

He gripped the edge of his desk, knuckles turning pure white. His breaths became short and shallow as he tried to control his emotions like how he has done over so many years.

He swiped his hand over the top of the desk. Books and potions of all shapes and colour flew off the desk, spilling on the concrete floor.

He fell onto his knees, not caring of the glass piercing his skin. Nothing at this moment could hurt more than the shattering of his heart.

He didn't even turn as the door creaked open, allowing Albus Dumbledore to enter. He didn't even need to hear the old man's words. He knew that his daughter was far away from here.

Severus sat on the dungeon floor long after the headmaster had left. Tonight would be the only night he would allow himself to grieve. Tomorrow would be a different day. Tomorrow he would no longer speak or think of the names Serena and Aliah Snape.

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