CHAPTER FOURTEEN: Questions and Answers

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During her time alone in the morning, Aliah finally had time to think. She thought about the things that had happened over the past week. The presents she received made her think of the sorting hat when she first arrived 'you are loyal, as well as cunning as your Father,"

It was ridiculous to think of it, but the way the hat had said it, the way how few knew of her birthday. Aliah had to find out more about her bloodline. Aliah sat in the high - backed chair of the library and searched through books of wizard bloodlines dating back to many generations. There was no Holt or even a mention of her.

She spent hours looking through books but there was nothing. Aliah sat back in her chair, holding onto her new necklace. She looked down at the piece of jewellery. "Love and hope," Aliah smiled. 

Her eyes widen. "Love and hope!" 

Aliah grabbed her bag and ran out of the room. If she was wrong, that she was about to make herself look like an idiot. But if she was right...well maybe this will be the only birthday she will have to spend alone.

She turned the corner but crashed into Professor McGonagall. She stumbled back and quickly apologised, "I'm so sorry Professor,"

"Where were you going in such a rush, Miss Holt?" The professor frowned.

"I'm late for a class Professor," Aliah lied.

"Well, you better be off then," 

Aliah nodded and started to walk away.

"Oh, Miss Holt? Happy birthday!" McGonagall smiled before turning around. Aliah stood there puzzled. How many people knew about her birthday? And more importantly, how, did they know it was her birthday. She definitely needed some answers. 

Aliah ran all the way down to the dungeons. Finally, she was able to knock on the door. "Come in," a low voice answered. Aliah opened the door and saw Professor Snape at his desk. He looked up and narrowed his eyes at the surprise.

"Miss Holt? We don't have a class today." He looked forward to their private lessons and he was positive they did not have one today.

"No we don't, but I do have a question for you professor,"

"And that question may be?"

"Is my father still alive?" Aliah asked desperately. She watched her teacher's expression - which hadn't changed since she walked into the room. She silently cursed him for not being able to show his thinking on his face.

Severus looked at his daughter stunned. How could he answer that? If he told her the truth it would put her in danger. The Dark Lord will know who she is and use her against him. The last thing he wants is to put his only daughter in that position. He made a promise and he was intending to keep it.

"Why do you ask?" 

"I asked first," Aliah said angrily

"I do not know Miss Holt. I'm Sorry,"

"See sir I believe that you do know. I believe that he is alive," Aliah spoke.

"What makes you think that?" Snape gulped

"The sorting hat. It made a comment implying that my Father was alive. It used present tense, not past. Not only that, but Mr Ollivander also seemed to believe he is still alive,"

"Ollivander is old Aliah, he was mistaken," Snape frowned

"That may be. Then there is the case of this," She took off her necklace and held it in front of Severus's face. "Sir do you know this stone?"

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