CHAPTER ONE: 14 Years Later

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"Aliah get your ass down here!"

Aliah stuffed her school work into her shoulder bag along with her makeup. She did a final check over in the mirror, her brown hair finally deciding to co-operate this morning.

She grabbed her gem rings and ran down the stairs, picking up her lunch on the way. She locked the front door and jumped into the car, her little brother Lukah sitting in the front seat.

Lukah had dark hair with a matching pair of eyes. When he turned to poke his tongue out for Aliah, she spotted the curve line of an old scar on his neck. He had fallen through the glass door as a small child and amazingly that was the only scar that had been left on his body.

Her Dad pulled out of the driveway before starting up a conversation. "What classes do you have on today?"

"Not sure, I think English, Italian, Science, and Math. The boring subjects, well except Italian. You never know what happens in that class,"

"Aliah," her dad snarled. "It is  the second semester, you should know your timetable by now,"

Aliah flinched. Her dad wasn't the compassionate type and always expected the best from her. She assumed that was the reason she always pushed herself to be more than her best.

"Something is going to happen soon," Lukah said in a monotone voice.

The rest of the car ride was silent until they were dropped off at the front of the school. Aliah and Lukah made their separate ways through the school grounds. Lukah went to his home group while Aliah went to the bathroom.

Staring at herself in the mirror. Frowning, she used a blue scrunchie to tie half of her dark, brown hair into a bun on the top of her hair. Unzipping her small make-up bag, Aliah painted her face with light make-up. Finding her jewellery, in a palm-sized box, she put on studded earrings, including her doubles. Then added her crystal necklace. 

The bell sounded, alerting Aliah the start of the homegroup. She left the bathroom only to be greeted by her best friend Kora.

Kora was short, only 5'5, but she was taller than Aliah. Her hair was black and untameable, no amount of product to tame it. She had dark eyes and olive skin, showing her Greek heritage.

"Predictable," Kora snorted as she kicked the wall behind her so she could meet Aliah's strides.

"Excuse me?"

"You are absolutely predictable. Every morning you are in here doing your make-up,"

"I don't have time in the mornings, you know that,"

"Wake up earlier," Kora rolled her eyes. Aliah was not a morning person, she would do anything to gain more sleep.

"Good luck with the Italian test today," Kora said as they rounded a corner.

"I'm debating to ditch. What do you think? Should I not go or just pretend to be sick?" Aliah faked a sneeze and made her voice sound sickly.

"I think you should try your best Aliah," A female voice said. The two girls froze and slowly turned around.

A very tall woman with long black hair stood behind them with her very dark eyes narrowed. She wore a long blue skirt with a black blouse and a white scarf. A silver necklace hung low. The necklace was made of clear and blue crystals to form the evil eye.

"I am only joking Signora Strega," Aliah lied, "You know I would never skip your class,"

"Obviously, it is a suicide mission," Kora muttered under her breathe. Aliah elbowed her friend. 

"I would hope so," Mrs Strega nodded as she walked past the middle of the two girls. "Aliah," Mrs Strega turned her head around, "when you lie, your voice changes pitch a little, you should watch that,"

The girls stood silently and didn't speak until they knew for sure that the teacher was clear from hearing their next words.

"On a scale from one to ten," Aliah started, "how screwed am I?"

"So I'll play highway to hell at your funeral?"


Aliah sat in her Math class and instead of doing work, she was revising for her Italian test next lesson. Her other friend, Elora, slumped on the chair next to her. She reached over and flicked the crystal around Aliah's neck.

"I still can't believe that you, out of all people believe in the witchy sort of power. Come on, crystals giving you power?"

Aliah turned to her friend and pointed the end of her pen in Elora's face. "I have no problem with you not believing in witches and magic, but do not make fun of it in front of me. There is a pull for me to the crystals, it's hard to explain,"

"Anyway, for your birthday should I buy you a packet of tarot cards?"

"You can't" Aliah turned back to her Italian book.

"Why? Don't tell me, there is a rule on the magic of the cards isn't there,"

Aliah smirked. "So you do listen to what I say,"

Elora gave Aliah a soft punch in the arm.

"Tarot cards have to be chosen by the person who will use them,"

"Blah blah blah, I'm tired of this witch talk."


Aliah walked into the Italian room, fiddling with the amethyst that hung on her neck. She took a seat near the back of the room and placed her stationary on the desk.

Mrs Strega walked around the room placing the test booklet faced down in front of each student. "I like your necklace," She complimented as she gave Aliah the test. "Amethyst am I correct?"

Aliah nodded.

"The stone of good fortune and protection. Seems relevant for today," Mrs Strega returned to the front of the classroom. "You will have forty-five minutes to complete the test with ten minutes of reading time. When you have completed your test turn the booklet face down and you may go to sleep,"

Aliah swore that the last comment was said for her. She touched the necklace and closed her eyes. A warmth spread from her chest to down her arms right to her fingertips.

Blood is Thicker Than Water (REWRITTEN)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon