~Get lost!~

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Felixb"You again?"

He looks up and sees dark haired boys eye's. After picking up the ice cream from the floor, but to lazy to get up he still holds eye contact with slightly shorter boy.

Felix:n"Are you stalking me?"

Changbin comes closer to the blonde boy who was siting on the floor, hands around ice cream box and pout on his freckled face. Then Changbin kneeled down beside him still holding eye contact just like the blonde one.

Changbin: "No, I don't"

Changbin return question with playful smile on his lips and holds the blonde boy's wrist. Only after that Felix finally looks away from Changbin and make his eyes land on Changbin's hand, but the shorter one lightly shakes Felix wrist and stands up.

Changbin:"You need help?"


The answer was fast and strict, Felix still don't like this boy after the first school day. And he's not gona change his mind about that.

Felix pushes Changbin's hand away from his own hand, quickly stands up and picks up the ice cream box on the floor. He then looks at the smaller boy, who looks some way hurted but Felix don't care in this moment.

Felix: "Don't need your help, Get lost!

After saying that, Changbin sighed while looking in Felix eye's with sad expression on his face, then turned around and quickly walked away from Felix vision.


Felix mood was down, like always he was home alone with the cold ice cream in his hands. Felix felt cold inside and not because of the ice cream who now was freezing his hands and Felix didn't care. One thing that Felix couldn't take out of his mind was Changbins eyes, how the smaller boy looked in Felix eyes, warm and alive feeling took over Felix heart in that moment. He couldn't look away from them. But again after Felix cut him off, and rejected his help, eye's of Changbin turned sad, confused and hurted. Just the way Felix felt now. Maybe that's the reason.

After some time Felix decided do something really stupid like he thought.



Hi Changbin|

Hi Chang|



Felix understood what he just did, he texted Changbin "Hi", that means the smaller boy already received this message. Felix was about to explode, he was jumping around the room with ice cream box in his hands like a little teenage girl when she got tickets to kpop concert on her birthday. Felix looked at the massage when he suddenly noticed something. Changbin is online.


Felix wasn't waiting for response, this boy still keeps answering and talking after Felix did hurt him.
Felix would feel guilty if he wouldn't respond, so he decided to not left this boy on read.

Are you mad?

Why would i be mad at you?

Don't know

Just the way i act, i thought
that you hate me or something.

I would never hate you Felix

And would never hurt you.

What do you mean
by that?

I was watching your
Instagram account and the


I understand what you saw

wait... did you stalked me?

Maybe? I don't know


But your photos are cute tho


No, really. They are cute


Felix was freaking out, it was the second time when someone called him cute. First one was that annoying girl from before, and now Seo Changbin. The boy who Felix was hating for no reason. At least Felix thought he was hating Changbin, but in reality he wasn't. It was just this thing- Felix hated everyone, so Changbin was this everyone right now.

Felix was blushing mess, he didn't know why tho, but Changbin made his heart soft. The boy always was nice to him. Someone was nice to Felix.

After thinking too much, Felix realised he left Changbin on read and it was already 10 minutes. However 'old' Felix wouldn't care about that, but something in Felix was trying to escape from him, something what was deep inside him for a long time.

Felix felt that feeling again. Suddenly out of nowhere he felt like he was in past, but he was in reality. Felix felt his heart warm up and light was back into him.

Felix just needed someone who would care, and would like Felix the way he is. And this someone was Changbin.

Felix finally decided to text back.

You are kinda cute as well!


Oky Felix wtf was that, he thought to himself. What did i just said, ohhh no! Felix panicked but stopped when Changbin replied.


Is that you Lix?

Hahaha, yeaa thats me.

I have to go now bye!

Alright see you in school!


Changbin pow (finally)

Did Felix just called me cute?
Changbin was resting his head against the bed while sitting on the floor with laptop in his hands.
Lee Felix, the boy who hate everything and everyone just called me Cute. I am dreaming right? Its not like i like the blonde boy, but he's just someone cute who i like to give my attention to, even if he likes it or no.

I hope i will change him, i can tell that he changed a lot by reading coments below his photos.

I will try to make him happy.
Changbin thought after putting his laptop on the table. He quickly turned around because of the notification sound. He unlocked his phone and smiled as he saw who it was from.





I hope this au is good so far, because i am trying my best right now, i know it will get better and better (my writing).

Just so you know (my first language isn't english)

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