Cell Sisters

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Soon Shadow heard a fearful gasp escape the other in the room who quickly kneel at her side. Shadow smiled in the direction she thought the brunette was in, the only thing that made her life worth it. Her tears were wiped away so she could finally see the concerned face of her cellmate, Katie.

Katie was younger then Shadow by three years and had only been in the lab for two months. Katie was a sweet brown haired girl with honey oak doe eyes, and small freckles sprinkling the bridge of her nose and tops of her cheeks.

Katie and Shadow relied on one another in this hell they now lived in. When Shadow came back form a test Katie would cuddle her and help her come down from her panic attacks. Shadow would help Katie with her nightmares and comfort her when her tests were over. The two had grown to be sisters and both were the only love they had any more.

Though it wasn't much and both craved more. Shadow remembers a conversation the two had after both had a terrible panic attack. Katie told Shadow that if she had to live here for the rest of her life then she only had one wish. Katie wanted to see the sun again, just once, and she would be ok.

Right now Katie was trying to gently pick Shadow up and lay her on her bed. It was a struggle and Shadow kept letting out soft whimpers of pain as she was shifted. Eventually, Katie got her on the bed and stayed knelt beside her. Katie ran her hand gently through Shadows hair and began to sing her a song, the first line filling Shadow with relief.

"You're alone, you're on your own, so what?"

Katie sang this song anytime Shadow needed to feel safe, she says it's called 'King'. Having only been there for a few months Katie still remembered her past. Slowly Shadow fell asleep, her body throbbing in pain.

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