Vengeful Power

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Three months, it had been three months since they imprisoned Shadow in this new cell. They were kind enough to give her a calendar that they marked off. Shadow was 17 now, she only remembered two things from her past, her name and her birthday. 

They had been studying her to figure out what the doctor had put in her, how she was practically superhuman. They had put some chemicals in her too, experimenting, testing, hurting. They controlled her movements with the cross beam above her that her strings were stuck in.

Shadow was curled up in the middle of her cell, her stings were not long enough to reach the corners. She had just been thrown back after they tested how far she could be manipulated, bending her joints to their very limit every which way. Shadow was crying, without Katie there she had no one to help her. Katie's help was barely enough as it was, but now Shadow had nothing. 

As she cried she began to think, she thought of the broken promises, loss of new freedom, all her mistreatment. Quickly, Shadows pain turned into anger. She felt so much frustration and rage build rapidly in her. Suddenly Shadow felt a surge of unknown power, it was like nothing she had ever felt before.

Shadow jumped to her feet, standing straight for the first time since she was altered, and grabbed her strings, pulling them with force. She yelped in pain but it was worth it, she broke the wooden boards from the ceiling. Shadow removed her strings and rubbed the pain from then before using her new power to smash the glass. 

Shadow ran from the room, trying to find the exit, but was stopped by a barricade of men. As Shadow looked for a way out she noticed the middle guard was the one who saved her, Clark. Her fear switched to rage as she saw the object of her fate. The power in her swelled as she felt a new need for vengeance.

Shadow lunged at Clark and drove her hand through his neck, killing him instantly. She whipped around and killed another, then the next and the next. All control was gone as Shadow went on a rampage. She killed everyone in sight, tearing them to pieces. 

Soon the whole building was dead, every wall covered in gore. Shadow was covered in blood, her dress torn and distressed. Shadow fell to the floor panting and crying as she let her rage calm down. She closed her eyes as her fatigue took hold of her and her vengeance faded, sleep took her soon after. 

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