Welcome My Relm

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When Shadow awoke she was surrounded by a thick fog, trees litter her limited vision, and a black sky hung above. Shadow stood up frantically, nearly falling from her unstable joints. Shadow felt her fear rise as she tried to think of how she got here. 

Before she could begin walking four long spider-like tendril legs descend from the sky's inky void. They circle Shadow in a cage and keep her from running, a deep raspy voice echoed through her head.

"Welcome to my realm young one,"

Shadow looked around at the spider-legged thing.

"W-what? How did I get here? What are you?"

"I am The Entity, god of this world. I have brought you here to help me."

"But why? How? Please explain!"

"Be quiet and I will. I imbud you with my power before, allowing you to kill all those people. I wanted to see if you could help feed me. You proved yourself so I have brought you here and given you powers, a few of my killers will help train you. I will guide you to them now."

The legs began to move, pushing Shadow to follow its path. Still confused, but with nowhere else to go, Shadow went with The Entity. She walked through the thick fog, large trees passing ever so often. Soon the fog began to clear and tall grass came into view, a large barn just a bit farther. 

Shadow heard voices as they got closer to the barn, she felt her anxiety and nerves kicking in. Shadow was never good with new people, even when she was a child. As the inside of the barn came into view so did the source of the voices.

A group of scary people, maybe around 15 of them, stood in clusters talking. Shadow was to fear-ridden to take in their features. When Shadow was right in front of the barn doors the chatter began to die down, the killers quieting as they noticed her arrival. 

The spider legs stopped and forced Shadow to as well. A chill ran across the room causing all talking to stop and everyone to look at Shadow.

"Everyone welcome the new killer, her name is Shadow. She is quite young, only 17, so treat her kindly, I'll be watching you. Evan, Amanda, Anna, and Philip, I'm leaving her under your guidance, help her learn her powers and how to kill."

With that, the legs drew into the void and left the crouching puppet girl staring in fear. 

The Marionetteजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें