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Shadow was sitting limply on her bed when a loud explosion rang out through the building. Suddenly alarms were ringing and people were shouting. Katie was in a test so Shadow had to struggle off the bed by herself. She pulled herself to her feet when the door was pried open by a group Shadow had never seen. The men stopped in there tracks, one even vomited, before someone spoke.

"We're here to rescue all the kidnaped people trapped here, can you talk, what's your name?"

Shadow felt her back fall and her chest stay still, momentarily losing control of herself, as she tried to understand what was going on.

"U-um yes I can, m-my name is Shadow."

The man sighed in relief since Shadow could talk.

"Please follow Hummingbird, she will take you to the ambulance."

He pointed to a girl in a white suit who nodded and began walking away. Shadow stumbled and tripped over her strings as she tried to follow the woman. As they moved Shadow saw more of the new men opening more doors and escorting others out. Some were on white bed like tables while others walked or were being carried. 

Soon Shadow was faced with the forbidden door, it was the door that lead outside. The door was open, there was light outside, there were cars, people, LIGHT! Shadow felt herself slow down from uncertainty and fear, the memories of what happened when she tried to escape coming to the forefront of her mind.

Hummingbird noticed her slow down and just picked up the butchered girl bridal style. Shadow squeaked in surprise then yelped as her strings were stepped on. Shadow hissed and whimpered as her sensitive eyes were assaulted by the deprived sunlight. Shadow looked at herself for the first time in true light, and it was a horrible sight. 

She was as pale as the white beds that carried the others, her skin was shaped and morphed unnaturally, veins ran through the strings, and worst of all was how her legs swung and bounced limply in the ball joints.

Shadow looked around her at the new assault of colors she hadn't seen in years. That's when something, or someone, caught her eye. Katie was on one of the bed tables staring at the sky with the biggest smile Shadow had ever seen. Shadow felt tears in her as she watched the smile on Katie, Katie had seen the sunlight, she had her only wish fulfilled. 

Soon Shadow was put in a big red and white truck on one of the table beds. They put a mask on her and instantly Shadow grew tired from all the adrenalin and the now clean air. She was jumped from her sleep for a moment as she felt something cold on her strings, frantically she screamed.

"Please don't cut the strings!"

Soon after that, all her energy left her and she fell asleep as the blade was removed from her string. 

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