Hemmings~ Truth

91 7 2

Luke Robert Hemmings

   She saved me.

She saved me.

Logan Tomlinson, knowing that she could die, walked into the battlefield, put me on her back, and carried me.

And right now, I've never realized how much I love her.

"Finally, 'ya dick!" A voice snaps, and I know exactly who it is. My partner is somehow Logan herself, but I have no idea where the hell she could be, so I just keep sitting on this sturdy branch, high up in the canopy where I can think. "Damn, mission accomplished."

"You're using this to your advantage?"

"Yeah, I've learned shit I wasn't even supposed to know. Personally, using my new self to my advantage would help. I scared the shit out of you,and she saved you."

"You did scare me, but what the hell could you expect? You keep seem to talk about Logan saving me though."

"News flash, big brother, there was a single bullet flying at your head, and it would've hit you if Logan didn't pick you up and run. She told me that she'd take a bullet for you, and I guess she finally fulfilled her promise."

"When did she tell you that?"

"When you and Hollis started dating."

"I don't see what the big deal about the fight was, I mean."

"See this is why you need me. That fight may not have been a big thing for you, but you told her you never loved. In fact, asshole, Logan is too good for you, and you made a mess upon her innocence. You fucked up."

"I guess."

"So you love her back? Even after she didn't tell you about me?"

"I don't think I ever stopped loving her, even while I was dating Hollis, and Perrie kissed me, and shit, I sound sappy now." I fiddle with my fingers as my eyes flicker up to Lucy and back down, who's cooing like a baby.

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