Chapter 4: Notes

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"Ms.(L/n), excellent work. If you turn in more papers like this, and you might just be taking my job," professors joked like this sometimes. Their praises meant to be uplifting, but I shrugged them off. With a writing major it wasn't very often you seen my class being active. Mostly covering topics, and dropping us in the field to do the work. Today was no different.

"Dalliance. Can anyone tell me what that means?" The professor leaned against his desk, waiting patiently for any volunteers. No hands were raised, nor did anyone speak up but there were plenty of snickers. Dalliance is a casual sexual relationship. A proper way of saying friends with benefits, so I guess this was just naturally funny to most of the lecture hall. "Well, since everyone just seems to know, we can move on to our related topic."

"Clandestine, or to do something in secret. That will be our main focus for the next month. I want all of you to think of a story, one about forbidden desires for another. A story for the masses, or perhaps a certain group of readers in particular. Think to something along the lines of Romeo and Juliet, will your characters be denied their pleasure? Will there be more to it? For now let's brainstorm. I'm givng you all a head start on the assignment, all work will go towards your final semester grade."

Dedication, possibly experience. The only good tools for such an essay and I have neither. My faith in my work for this had already depleted as the conversation continued on. He gave reference materials, and his preferred places to site examples before giving us an early dismissal. I, of course, wasn't ready for any of this. How could someone like me write a steamy piece about some affair or hidden relationship? It's a bit out of my comfort zone and experience.

My feet trudge over to the house media center, the only place with a decent amount of quiet for research. Though if I'm being honest, I could just watch porn or read a few 'single mom' novels to get the kind of content I need. But I trust doing this professionally and correctly. I squeeze passed the bustle of students who doing their work as well, making my way through large sections of books. Something sensually, something unique or at least hair raising was deemed more than necessary to get some sparks going in my mind. As I skimmed through the many spines I noticed a large variety of widely visual arts. From Vincent van Gogh to Jackson Pollack, there was a latte stock of beautiful pieces all tied together nicely into neatly printed books on the shelf. It was off topic, but something drew me to a Monet book, subtle and thin compared to it's shelf counterparts of other works. Just as my hand reached for the said book another hand collided with mine in attempt to take it off the shelf. Without looking I simply excused myself, and allowed the to take it. Unlike me they might have actually needed it for something.

"Never pegged you to be a Claude kind of girl, though I can say his stroke technique would be rather eye catching for such a beautiful young lady," Taehyung face was now in my line of sight as he slid in front me with the book in hand. His smirk as devilish as ever to compliment his piercing ebony eyes. "Claude Monet is classic. How can someone not appreciate a man who paints beef so delicately?" A chuckle left him after hearing my smart remark. Taehyung didn't say anything further, but walked beside me as I continued my search for materials. I would've shooed him away, I honestly wanted to the whole time he was basically glued to my hip. I couldn't though. It kind of just felt natural to have him there.

Like a little brother who is being nosey, he was there watching my every move.

"So why black?" My question referring to his new muted hair color that brought out the melanin in his skin. Taehyung's head tilted back as he place a hand on his chin, appearing to think deeply about his reasoning. Before actually answering he leaned is closely giving me a toothy smile with his nose slightly scrunched. He really did look like a child.

"Do you like it?" He was quite handsome, I can admit it. The dark locks making his feature seem much older, wiser than he was before yet it was only a change of color. But my opinion shouldn't matter that much. "And if I do like it?"

"Then it's for you."

The media center was quieting down as time rolled by us. Neither leaving our seats as pages flipped excessively. Moments like these are what people take for granted. The silent calm that doesn't hurt like the outside world. Here I wasn't the fat girl sitting with a school prince with looks that could kill. I was just a girl with a book, and he was a guy with a book. We weren't from some social hierarchy described as a food chain of the beautiful. Taehyung was just a person, as was I. If it wasn't for the life on the other side the doors I'd like to think that we were friends.


" 'Dalliance'? That's a bit odd to have written so intensely at the top of your notes, don't you think?" Taehyung's hands fiddled with the corner of the page in my note book while I jotted down some key points. "And what would you know about Dalliance, Prince Taehyung?" At this he let out a hearty chuckle. His rest his head in his hands, pushing the hair out of face as his eyes roamed my questioning features. "So, she knows about the royalty status? Never expected that," a book is close and pushed away as his chair moves closer to mine. "I don't claim that stupid title. But trust me, I think I know a thing or two about such a suggestive word." An arm makes it way around the back of my chair, his body now extremely close to mine.

"Careful, my boyfriend might come in here and see you," I put a distance between us again quickly and re-stacked the books in front of me. "Boyfriend?" I hum in response while scribbling nonsense into my notes. "Since when did you get a boyfriend?" Taehyung's tone sounded almost mocking to me, and I couldn't help but become a little defensive. Arms cross my chest as my expression is soured."What? Shocking that I have a boyfriend?"

"No, but since when and who?" Taehyung mirrored me, but will more irritation gracing his face. The look was new to me in the short time I've known the man. When I didn't answer he stood, shaking his head in what seemed to be disappointment before gathering his things and leaving the media center. It felt more than safe to assume that his friendly mannerisms were just a way to tease me. Not to my surprise though, even if seemed like a blossoming friendship. Books are shifted into my bag as I rise from my seat. I needed to get back to my place to make dinner for me and Jihan anyway. Though, I wanted to wait to see if he'd come back.

I guess that doesn't matter, because he wasn't going to.

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