four. ❛ loving the villain is so much more fun ❜

Start from the beginning

And there was a hand on the back of his neck that wrenched him away, there were teeth biting his lip in surprise and there was the look of surprise that quickly turned to fear in Will's eyes. There was the sound of yelling, his fathers yelling. There was the feel of the harsh brick beneath him as he fell, and there was his father's ever so imposing figure and the sight of Will's quickly disappearing one. There was the look of murder in his father's eye, the sound of his mother's wail, and the feel of something harsh hitting his head.

Then, there was nothing.

( Warning: this next section contains graphic depiction of rape and abuse, if you are at all sensitive please read ahead and I will inform readers when the scene has ended. )

JACK awoke to the sounding of creaking and a pounding in his head. No, that wasn't right. There was a pounding in his head and a pounding outside of his head. Everything was off, the world wasn't on its center and there was something on top of him. Something on top of him that was moving and squirming and there was fabric pressing against him and oh, Jack opened his eyes.

He opened his eyes and there was a woman on top of him and Jack froze. Her dress was torn and worn at the ends and her breasts were half spilling over the top, her hair was pulled up, though matted and with pieces flying as she moved, her eyes were lined darkly and her mouth was painted an unattractive shade of red and she was fucking him, Jack realized dully.

The thought took a second to reach his brain, and when it did Jack startled, trying to move to action and push the woman off but a hand reached out lightning fast and slapped him harshly across the face, making the brunet recoil as white spots filled his vision and left him seeing stars.

"Don't you dare try and move boy." His father's voice hissed in his ear, dark with anger. "You move and you'll wish the worst I did was hit ya'."

Heart racing and eyes scanning the room frantically Jack tries not to panic, he never panicked. Jack was always the one in control, always the one making the decision and always prided himself on being the smartest person in any room. Jck never felt helpless, and yet here he was.

The woman remained on top of him, not stopping when his father had spoke, and seemed unbothered by the fact that Jack was nowhere near hard as she rode him.

"I'm doing you a fuckin' favor here son. I should be sendin' you off to the fuckin' loony bin or have you send off with all the other sodomist freaks but your bitch of a mother can't have any more kids, so this here pretty little whore is going to fuck the fag out of you and you're going to take it until you like it, you understand me?" His breath reeked of alcohol as he leaned in to whisper menacingly in Jack's ear. Jack could only nod, the gravity of the situation sinking in his gut harsher than a knife and for a he was grateful he didn't have to think because if Jack had to the brunet wasn't sure he could do more then cry and perhaps vomit.

"Good. The whores going to fuck you real good, and she's not going to stop until you fuckin' come so you better get on with it." As if on command the nameless woman who at this very moment Jack despised more than anything in the world sped up her pace, arching her back and moaning obnoxiously.

Jack tried to picture Will. Will with this soft hands and soft hair, Will with his kind smiles and playful voice. Will who left him when Jack needed him, Will who ran.

Jack breathed and tried not to let tears prick his eyes as he pretended he was anywhere, anywhere but here, and when he finally came, when his torture finally ended Jack was barely even conscious enough to hear his father's gravelly voice talking to the whore. "Keep this quiet and come back next week for the same arrangement and I'll pay you a little extra next time Mary."

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