7 | Her Story

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Sera took a step back and sat down on the edge of the bed, her mind reeling from his questions.

Would it be so bad to answer him and tell him what he wants to hear? It had been so long since she had someone to confide in, and someone she could share her story with. And if the other side of her trusted Judar enough to run away with him, shouldn't it be ok for her to trust him too?

"It all started when I was still young, and I killed my best friend," she explained. "I was a happy child, so unlike who I am now, and I didn't have a care in the world. Of course, I still had my powers but we were careful with it back then. Until one day we weren't, and that's when it all went astray..."

"Kai, come and look at this!" Sera's excited squeal caught the attention of a small boy, and he rushed over to where she was.

"Show me!" Impatience bloomed on his face, and he hurried her to show him what she had found.

"Isn't it cute? And it's soooo fluffy!" She rubbed her cheek on the bunny's fur, and she held it tightly in her arms.

Kai beamed at its cuteness and petted the bunny's head. Then he saw something was off with the animal's face, and it wasn't breathing at all.

Sera's bare hands were touching the bunny's fur, and it had died from her death's touch. In all of her excitement, she had briefly forgotten how deadly her touch could be and had killed the bunny with her carelessness.

"Why isn't it moving?" Her watery eyes peered down at the bunny and realisation soon dawned on her. The lifeless body dropped to the ground. "I... What have I done?"

"Kai?" She then realised that the boy hadn't spoken in a while and she looked over to where he had been standing, only to see his complexion pale and his eyes roll into the back of his head. He collapsed to the ground and moved no more. He had died the same way the bunny had, but indirectly.

Later, she was found by the others next to the two corpses. They hadn't known until then just how deadly her powers could be, and how much of a danger she was.

A funeral was held for the boy, and they buried the bunny in the furthest place from the palace. As for the princess, she was confined to a secluded place and was never seen in public again.

"I can tell how scared they are of me, you know?" Tears flowed down her soft cheeks, and her lips quivered. "They try to hide it and treat me kindly, but I know they fear who I am. What I'm capable of, and what I could be."

"You wanted to know why I'm kept away from everyone and why I don't like people touching me, and that's exactly why. These powers of mine are dangerous, and I don't want to kill someone like I did back then. The guilt is just too much for me to handle, that's where the other me comes in. I created her to protect me and stop me from wallowing in self-pity."

"So that's everything. Are you satisfied now?"

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