CHAPTER 15: Investigation

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5:53 p.m.


Faraway church bells startled me awake.


My stomach growled. God, I'm starving! My eyes flickered open.

A shadow rose from a chair on my bed's side. "Detective?"

"Leo?" Has he been here all this time? I tried to sit up in the bed but my muscles refused to oblige me. "Can you help me up?"

He helped me sit up with surprisingly gentle hands. "Thank you." His fingers pushed away a strand of hair from my forehead and I felt their heat. My ears burned. I must look terrible. I wished he hadn't seen me in such a state. I pulled my bed sheet up to look at my body. I was wearing a hospital gown, a plain gray thing that wouldn't look out of place in a prison. A rush of cool air told me that my backside was exposed. The heat in my ears burned even hotter.

Leo pulled his chair closer and leaned in to study me, his face a mask of worry. "How are you feeling?"

"Better. Stronger." My stomach roared and I let out a weak chuckle. "Hungry."

He jumped out of his chair without a word. Moments later, he returned with a tray. "Hospital food. Sorry, couldn't find anything else," he said with a shrug. With tender hands, he fed me a piece of some unidentified meat, probably cultured chicken, and something like mashed potatoes in gravy.

I must have really been starving, as it was the best food I had ever tasted. I wolfed down the tiny bites he offered me, demanding more.

"Wow, slow down," he said with a chuckle. "If I'd known you love hospital food so much, I would have brought you here sooner."

I laughed, feeling stronger with every bite even if my head still swam. "Some first date, huh?" Wait, what did you just say? My ears, which had cooled down by now, started burning again. "I mean, it would make for a funny one. Not that we're on a date." Okay, someone please make me stop talking.

"I'm glad you're feeling better," he said with a glint in his eye.

God, why did they have to make him so damn lifelike? I swallowed the last bite and nodded my thanks. I don't know what was in that food but I felt like a recharged battery. "What day it is? Please don't tell me I've been sleeping for another week?"

"No, it's still Friday. You woke up last night. They gave you a sedative to help you sleep through the night. You've slept through most of the day, too. Doctor said you needed the rest."

I remembered the charming woman who had examined me. Then, I remembered what I'd been dying to tell him. "Leo," I cried out. "Check my hololens!"

I touched my temple and my head exploded in pain. I let out a surprised yelp. What's happened to me? As soon as Leo watched the video, it would be the very next question I wanted to ask.

I ground my teeth and swiped my finger, pushing the video over to him. The pain subsided. I watched his expression as he played it.

Leo let out a slow whistle. "You did it. We've got him."

"We've got to tell Captain." Then, I remembered how I had left the man on the floor, bleeding out. "Did he make it?"

"He's getting discharged in the morning. In fact, he's in the next room."

I almost jumped out of bed. Well, my mind did, anyway. My body was still unconvinced of the need to move. "Take me to him!"

Leo shook his head. "Not in your condition. I'd rather not cross our doctor. She scares me."

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