Chapter 15

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- - Chapter 15 - Family

(...cont'. from Ch. 14 - Deaton smiled as Derek put his other hand on Danny's shoulder. Derek spoke up.

"Jackson, your mate here, Danny, he saved you."

"That's right Jackson," Deaton said. "He literally set fire to the rain.")

Derek smacked his palm against his forehead and groaned. "Really, Doc? "

Danny just raised one eyebrow and smirked at the Doctor's joke.

Dr. Deaton just stood there, his shoulders and arms up in mock confusion looking like Stiles. "What?" he said. "Well, he did. What's so funny?"

Derek and Danny just laughed, glad to have the harrowing events drawing to a close.

"I don't get it," stated Jackson, a bewildered look on his face, color coming back to it rapidly after his ordeal.

Deaton just laughed and gave him a hug. "They can explain it later, Jackson. Right now we have to get you out of here and I have to do a lot of cleaning up if you catch my drift. Lots of papers to, um, misplace, and people's minds to change." He winked.

Derek smiled and put his hand on the Doctor's shoulder. "Thank you Doc. Again. You saved my family." His eyes got wet and he swallowed, feeling his throat get tight.

"Derek, it's been my honor. Your pack, your family, has always been a good thing for Beacon Hills. It's been my privilege to help. I'm grateful it's worked out."

Derek nodded his agreement, and hugged the doctor again, tightly.

"Now get out of here and go check on those boys downstairs. I hate to think what mischief they are in now." Dr. Deaton wiped his eyes and set about to perform his "cleaner" duties.

Derek helped Danny with Jackson to get him off the table and tousled the blond's hair.

"Um, where are my clothes?" piped Jackson.

The rest of the room rolled with laughter. Jackson's eyebrows raised, confused again.

Danny and Derek succeeded, with Deaton's help, to escape the OR ward without being noticed. They used the back stairs and made it back to the floor where Scott and Stiles were coming out of a janitor's closet, their clothes blackened, looking like children caught with their hands in the cookie jar.

They froze as they saw their Alpha glaring at them. They looked at each other, then back at Derek. At the same time, they each pointed to the other and said, "He did it!"

Derek growled, and put up his hand. "Save it! We're going."

They looked at each other and laughed, stopping quickly when Derek whirled and flashed his eyes red at them. They each hugged Jackson, happy to see him.

They got out front to their cars and it was dark outside. 'Has it really only been one afternoon?' thought Derek. "Jackson, you sit up front with me, Danny sit behind him. Stiles, you, quietly, no... on second thought, Scott, you, quietly go and get Jackson's things they took from his pockets and his clothes if you can find them. Yes, I know, but we don't want any record. Deaton is going to 'clean' the place if you will. Meet back at the house."

"Hey!" chirped Stiles. "I can be quiet. I'm not sure why you think I can't. I know when it's time to talk and when it's time to be quiet. Sheeesh. No trust. None at all. After all I did for..."

"Shut up, Stiles!" said the four wolves looking at him.

He started to open his mouth and Scott tweaked his nose. His mouth just closed and he smiled at them, silent again.

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