Chapter 13

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CAUTION - Child abuse, profane language beyond the usual, and M/M interaction.

A/N - This chapter uses profanity I don't condone but for literary purposes it's here. I don't use the 'F' word (the six letter one) and don't let others say it around me, but to convey the story I have used it. It is not meant to offend but to convey hatred and ignorance on the part of the person speaking it.

- - Chapter 13 - Orphan, Pt. 2

(...cont'. from Ch. 12 - Jackson, encouraged by that, dashed a tear from his eye, and said "Thank you. I'll be back in a flash."

He smiled and ran to the side of the house to his car and jumped in. The Porsche's engine raced as he took off squealing the tires out of the gate.

"Like a bat out of hell," mused Danny, shaking his head. Everyone just laughed except Derek.

His eyes narrowed and he regarded the sky, sensing something. He wasn't sure what was wrong. Perhaps it was just his inner wolf wanting to protect his pack. 'Hmm.' he thought to himself and went back to the grill, to turn it down as they waited for Jackson's return.)

Derek was troubled by Jackson's phone call from his mother. He wasn't going to worry just yet but he knew that whatever was going on wasn't going to be good. He also smelled a very faint bit of deceit from Jackson mixed with a lot of embarrassment, which was to be expected. Not to mention concern. He doubted if the other wolves even caught it.

He turned off the grill and sat down on the patio furniture, taking a chair facing the rest of the pack. They all just looked at each other silently and then at Derek.

Danny looked at Derek with imploring eyes, and then down at the bowls of food, and then back at Derek. Derek closed his eyes slowly and pressed his lips together in acknowledgment.

Danny nodded slightly and picked up the potato salad. "Scott, will you help me put this stuff away, please?" he asked.

"Are you sure?" questioned Scott. "He said he would be right back." He had a worried look on his face.

Stiles sat there looking at Scott with a sad look in his eyes, then over at Derek. Danny motioned for Scott to follow him and they took the first set of bowls back to the garage.

'Are you sure?' he asked silently.

'Yeah. I'm afraid so. I can feel it. Something's wrong,' Derek replied.

'I know, I smelled it,' Stiles returned.

Derek's eyes widened in surprise, then narrowed with a tiny bit of pride. 'Yes. I know. I think we need to get ready.'

'Damn. On his birthday of all days. How much more will he have to suffer because of those assholes?' Stiles huffed at Derek silently.

Derek put his head in his hands as Scott and Danny returned to the table for another load to put back in the refrigerators. 'I don't know. I think this one is going to be bad. I better get over there and take Danny. You okay here with Scott?'

Danny didn't miss the looks between Derek and Stiles and didn't miss the smell of regret and worry coming from Derek.

"Derek." Scott stated flatly. "Derek, what's happening?"

Danny looked at Stiles, who just smiled wistfully, and then spoke. "Derek, what's going on? Why do I have a bad feeling you know something about Jackson and aren't telling me?"

Danny's heart started to race and the smell of fear and worry permeated their surroundings.

Derek smelled it, his face still in his hands facing the ground between his feet. "Fuck!" he exclaimed and reared his head quickly dragging his hands over his face.

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