light eyes & dark minds

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Sleep didn't come easily for me. I lied among the soft covers, a few candles flickering in the corners of the room, the sun rising outside blocked by heavy drapes. I kept my eyes closed and listened to the sound of Corey breathing from beside me, my mind racing. I had the notion just to straddle him, pin his wrists to the bed, and sink my fangs into his neck. I wanted his blood. No, it felt like I needed his blood. It was like some cloying nectar that felt vital to feed my hunger- it made everything else pale in comparison.

Sometime in the late afternoon I pulled myself out from the sheets, having done nothing more than drift in and out of a dozing state. Corey appeared sound asleep, shirtless and face down in the pillows. Unbothered. I wished I could be that relaxed. I couldn't remember what being relaxed felt like.

I went into the bathroom, closing the door behind me. Drawing a bath in the spacious tub, I soaked my body in hot water and felt the ache in my ribs lessen from when Jordi had kneed me. I was fairly certain he'd broken a rib, but I seemed to be healing. I could breathe without discomfort now.
I scrubbed myself with a soap that smelled of coffee and baked earth before getting out of the bath and wrapping myself in a plush towel. Back in the room, I sifted through the wardrobe and found a dress spun of cream colored silk that had black lace embroidered along the neckline and sides. I slipped into it, and left my quarters, traversing down the staircase.

I stumbled into Safa not long into my exploration of the mansion. Her eyes skimmed over me, blades strapped to her hips.

"Where's Corey?" she asked.

I shrugged. "Hopefully choking on his own drool?"

She snorted a laugh. "Breakfast is ready, I was just getting ready to come and fetch you for Ceric."

"Well, I saved you the trouble. Lead the way."

She turned on her heel, veering down a corridor, and I followed. We ended up in a large parlor that held Victorian era furniture and expansive windows where the curtains were parted, allowing the waning sun to spill over the carpeted space.

Ceric was sitting in an armchair, a cup and saucer balanced on one knee. He smiled faintly as I entered the room, silk trailing around my ankles. "Sleep well?"

"Like a baby," I intoned, collapsing into the cushions of a couch lined in black velvet. Safa left the room.

"Help yourself to anything," He gestured to the table with a spread of tea and food.

I leaned forward to pour myself a cup of tea that smelled like oranges and spice. There were platters of pastries and a wide assortment of fresh fruit. Stirring milk into my tea, I leaned back with my cup, letting the aroma fill my lungs.

"I have a proposition for you." he said.

"I probably won't like it, but go ahead."

"I'd like to keep you alive and well, Arabelle. You're unique. I don't know of any other demon/vampire hybrids that exist. You're powerful, and you have royal blood. You're the perfect face for a revolution."

"Go on," I prompted, siphoning a croissant.

"Are you opposed to working with us? If our agendas line up? You spoke to Corey often about abolishing slavery. That's my goal, too."

"I still want that to happen." I agreed, taking a bite from the croissant and finding that it was filled with a sweet cream and jam that tasted of blood and raspberries. It was heavenly. "But exactly what type of revolution are you looking for?"

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