Cut Open My Sternum and Pull

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Arabelle's P.O.V.

I pulled myself up amidst the hard, unkind floor I had been curled up on, dragging myself upright in a painfully slow manner until I could lean against the cold wall at my back. I had been heavily sedated, that much was obvious. I could hardly get my muscles to work, my mind was in a deep haze and my body ached with stiffness.
 The room I was in was nothing but a four walled cell-like area built almost entirely of wood.  It was drafty and cold and I had a strong hunch that I was underground.  

I located a door across from me and I dragged myself over to it, searching for a knob that wasn't there. I was locked in from the outside.
Falling back onto my knees, I pushed back the edge of panic lacing my tongue. Where was Corey? What had happened?
I couldn't recall anything other than driving to the hotel my dad was located at. Had we found him? Was he okay?
My head ached in protest, and I put my face in my hands. Oh god, where am I?

I sat for a long while, head against the wall. I could hear faint noises from elsewhere, sometimes low rumbles of voices speaking, but no one came until a significant stretch of time had passed and then finally, finally the door creaked open and a glow of a lamp lit the dark confines. I stood up, tensed in place as a figure came in.
It was a man with dark auburn hair to his chin, outfitted in all black. Vampire. Though, I had been expecting it. What I hadn't been expecting was to see Corey walk in behind him, looking unharmed and perfectly intact. Thank god. He was okay.

"You're up," the auburn haired man intoned. "I suppose then introductions are in order. I'm Bryn. I am the leader of the Undead Rebellion. Perhaps you've heard of us, or our handiwork?"

"I've heard of you." I responded, detached.

"So this little kidnapping endeavor shouldn't come us as a surprise to you."

"Where's my father?"

The hint of a smile crossed his lips. "Would you like to see him?"

"Show me him."

"In due time. You'll be joining him soon."

My chest tightened at the words. I felt sick to my stomach, but I shouldered it well.

"Now, I believe you and your boyfriend have some things to discuss." he smirked when he pronounced the word boyfriend, glancing to Corey who was standing by with his arms crossed. "I'll leave you to it."
Bryn left the lantern, setting it on the floor before he exited the room. My eyes took in Corey, feeling something was off.
I waited for him to speak first, hands in loose fists by my sides.

"I suspect you're curious as to why I'm not locked up as well?" he mused, striding in a bit further.

"Curious," I echoed, feeling very, very cautious. It was as if I felt like I was standing on the ledge of a cliff, ready to tip over. Dancing at the edge of a knife.

"Where to begin?" he murmured.

I felt a deep sinking in my chest, pulling me down like an anchor into depths of inexplicable darkness. Yes, something was very wrong indeed and I think I already knew what it is. "You're working with them, aren't you?"

He glanced to me. "How observant. Too bad you didn't pick up on it before now, huh?"

I swallowed past a horridly dry throat. "How long?"

"Almost the entire time I've known you."

My teeth clenched together and my gaze turned down to the floor. There was an acidic taste in the back of my mouth. Betrayal burned in my gut and the taste was bitter. "So, what, this has all been some ploy?"

"Mm, quite."

There were so many overwhelming emotions crossing through me I could barely keep myself standing. There were no words for him. I had nothing to describe how intensely embittered and full of spite I was in that moment. I was either going to choke on sobs or slam my fists into the wall until I couldn't feel them any longer. Though neither I was going to do right now; I could keep myself under control for a few more minutes. I hoped. "Please tell me you're not serious." I bit out, straining to keep my composure. I honestly didn't know if I wanted to kill him or crumple to my knees and cry. A little bit of both I presume.

"Sorry darling," he drawled, with a smug yet mocking smirk. "This is the one time I'm not acting."

I tried to swallow again, but my throat was tight. I could feel moisture in my eyes and did my damndest to will the tears back. I directed my gaze away, unable to withstand the sight of him right now, and also because I didn't want my emotions obvious, though it might be too late. "Is my dad okay?"

"Depends on your standard of okay."

A sharp pain of anguish engulfed my chest. "What did I do to you to deserve this?" I met his eyes then.

His expression was far from sympathetic. "It's not about you. It's about the future of my species."

"Our species. Are you forgetting that I'm a vampire as well?"

"You're a demon." he answered with contempt.

"Half demon, half vampire. Still makes me a vampire."

"Still doesn't matter. You've never had to go through what the rest of us have. You're not truly a vampire. You're only a half-breed and you've no idea what it actually means to be one of us."

"Just because I've never been subject to slavery I'm not a vampire?"
"Because you've never been subject to slavery, or any level of disrespect or malice that vampires have. You're far more similar to a human. You're only a vampire in theory."

"So now you're going to kill me because of something my parents and ancestors did?"

He shook his head somewhat, voice almost mischievous. "No, no, no. We're not going to kill you. That's too easy."

"Torture me, then? Make me relive what you've all been through?"

"Perhaps there might be a bit of torture involved." he shrugged. "It's always on the table."

My knees felt unstable. I couldn't believe this. How could he have put on that much of a show for so long? How could I have been so stupid as to fall for it? Everything I thought I knew about him, everything I thought was there between us...that was all fake. It wasn't real. How. Oh god. This isn't happening.

"Oh no," Corey intoned, acquiring a mock face of pity. "Don't tell me you're upset."

My eyes burned with ire. I may have felt indescribable sorrow at this revelation but I didn't much appreciate the rubbing of the salt in the wounds with his facetious remarks. "I'd say more like murderous."

He chuckled low in his throat. "Play nice. Murder won't get you out of this situation. Nothing will."  

Defeated, I slid down the wall with shaking knees and fell to the floor, collapsing in on myself.

An Undead Rebellion (Sequel)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin