Portrait Of Red

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{A/N: I've included a picture of Salem, and in the next I will include one of Arabelle.}

♣  ♣  ♣  ♣  ♣

“Focus,” Salem prompted gently, watching as I took a deep breath and tried again.

He was trying to teach me how to make a simple energy ball. I’d had a few sparks, but nothing much besides that. I was nervous and it was hard to get myself to be steady.

“Picture it forming in the palm of your hand,” He instructed smoothly, walking over to the wooden desk

We were in what was my father’s private study- now it was my private study.

I used it whenever I got tired of the office and wanted to spend some time downtown reading, or just wanted some place to work quietly. My office tended to be the first play people looked for me, so I was interrupted more often there. The study was in the back of the castle, almost in the corner of a hall; a fair sized room with dim lighting and the smell of dusty books. My dad’s personal favorites were stored in here, along with some of his record collection.

I held my right hand out in front of me, breathing deeply as I tried to imagine holding a palm full of energy. I was concentrated so deeply that I was biting into the flesh of my lip hard enough to draw blood.

“It’s an essence,” Salem said, pouring himself a glass of scotch. “Your essence. You control it. It’s a part of you. Don’t try so hard, just keep your focus and…will it to happen.”                              

I relaxed my shoulders, loosening my fingers, and willed my energy to form.

I blinked in shock when a cloud of dark purple energy appeared in my palm. My fingers tingled, and my skin felt warm where the energy was.

“Very good,” He appraised, holding the glass of scotch in one hand as he walked back over to me.

An elated smile cast over my lips. I did it. “What now?”

“Put it back.”

“Put it…back?”

He smiled at my puzzlement. “It’s actually quite easy. Just imagine yourself absorbing the energy back into your body.”

I did as he said, and the cloud of energy in my palm crackled up my arms, seemingly soaking into my skin and into my veins, turning them a dark purple.

“You are…very powerful. I can feel it.” He remarked. “It practically radiates off of you.”

“Really?” I breathed, astonished.

“Yes.  I have a feeling you will accomplish great things.”

I smiled, sitting down on the arm of the lounge chair. I was dressed simply in an oversized shirt and pair of sweatpants. I didn’t plan on going anywhere soon, so I wanted to be comfortable. A nap might be in order, too.

“How come it’s purple?” I inquired. “My energy?”

Salem shrugged gracefully. “People’s essences are different colors, depending on the demon. I’ve never personally come across that color before- that dark of a purple. It reminds me of a lightning storm. Very powerful, very regal.”

“What color is yours?”

He held out his hand and a mist appeared over his skin, growing into something that resembled flames, alive and red.

“Do you know want telekinesis is?” He inquired.

“Um…where you move objects with your mind?” I guessed.

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