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Eris had me driving through the lamp-busted dark streets of the part of town that I had more heard about than witnessed firsthand many times. Every city had their slums; shady, run-down and the type of neighborhood you didn't want to walk home alone through at night. Lucky for me I had a vampire at my side and I considered myself pretty capable.
I didn't feel comfortable leaving my car alone, so I had Eris hang back and took the list she had written back at the house.

The shop I entered was small, nondescript and the front windows were curtained with heavy black fabric. A thick, smoky scent weighed in the air, and I was surrounded by shelves and tables full of books and bottles and dried herbs and crystals.
"Can I help you?"I glanced over to the voice, seeing a dark-haired woman walk around from behind the counter.

"Uh," I glanced down at the paper in my hands. "-yeah, I need a couple things." I gestured with the list, which she came over and took from me, dark eyes scanning the contents.

"Demon summoning?" she inquired with a small smile.

"Yep," I nodded.

"Pray tell, is this something you've done before?" her dress brushed the length of the floor, where her bare feet padded over to a wooden table in the corner.

"Not exactly." I admitted, arms crossed over my middle. "I normally don't have to summon him. He just pops up."

"Ah," she made a faint nod, long nails grazing the labels of bottles one by one until she came across the desired. She picked up the small opaque glass; snake's blood.
"I do hope you're familiar with spell casting at least? Summoning a demon is no easy ride for amateurs."

I vaguely followed as she drifted over to shelves upon shelves of herbs where she gathered the dandelion root and black clover. "I have someone experienced helping me."

"I hope so. Demon magick is dangerous when one isn't prepared." next she got the required incense.

"Are all demons dangerous?"

"When they want to be." she answered, grabbing a small pouch of tobacco.

"Are they evil?" I asked, watching as she picked out a silver chalice and bowl.

She set the herbs inside the small bowl and crossed over to a section of many candles in various sizes and colors.

"Evil? No. Corrupt? Yes, some. Greedy? Yes. Powerful? By far. But all depends on how you look at it. Evil means something different to everyone." she picked up four black candles and black chalk, and then headed over to the register.

"Can someone be half demon?" I approached the counter as she rang up the supplies.

She paused, looking up at me curiously. "Half demon? I suppose so. If the other half was vampire or witch. I haven't heard of a half demon in several hundred years, though. The last was killed."

"Killed? By who?"

"A demon. One who didn't look kindly on a half blood. Demons are incapable of breeding with any other species. Half bloods would have to be born by magick. It's rare they come into existences and their power isn't exactly like that of full blooded demons..." the woman hesitated, thinking. "They're stronger in a way; their magic is more...wild. It is...untamable. They don't posses the proper genes to bend it to their will. Half bloods may be more dangerous than demons themselves."

She finished ringing up the items, and I paid the - not very cheap - fee, before walking back out to the car in a thoughtful daze.

"Any trouble?" Eris inquired.

An Undead Rebellion (Sequel)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें