To The Wasted

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“Go! Go! Go! Fuck! X! Hit X!” Drake exclaimed from over in the armchair.

I rapidly tapped the buttons on the controller, X specifically.

“Go, Bells, go! X, X, X, X! Take that bastard down!”

A couple more X’s later I defeated the boss and we finally beat that level.

“Fuck yeah!” I grinned.

“Give it.” Drake held up his hand.

I leaned over, hi-fiving him.

Corey came into living room, a bored expression over his features. “Are you guys seriously still in the same spot I left you in…six hours ago?”

“No.” I replied. “Drake’s in the chair now.”

“Uh huh.”

“Hey? You know that one boss guy…in the game? Yeah, I beat him. I totally beat him.”

“Cool.” Corey appraised.

“Um, what have you been doing?”

“Well, I was going to do some research. But I’ve actually just been dicking around on the internet for the last three hours.”



The three of us kinda glanced around for a moment.

“So…dinner?” Corey inquired.

“I’m hungry.” I looked over at Drake.

He glanced between us. “What am I, the house chef?”

“You could be.” I obliged.

“Well, I’m not. Get your own dinner.”

“So, Chinese?” Corey suggested.

“Yeah.” I nodded.

For the third time this week.

11 minutes later*

“Hey,” Corey said, behind the wheel of the car.

“Hey,” I replied idly, shuffling through CD’s.

“No- I mean, I was going somewhere with that.”

“Oh? Carry on.”

“How come we don’t actually have a chef?”


I thought for a moment, stopping my rifling through records for a brief time.

“-I fired him.”

“Why’d you do that?”

“Well, who wants to cook all the time? He can find a better career.”

“That was his career.”

I glanced over at Corey.

“He was a chef. He liked to cook. And-uh, I don’t think you can get much higher on the ladder than cooking for the Queen…”

“He’s been cooking for us for like twenty years. Don’t you think he wants to retire?”

“Well, I bet he does now.”

I rolled my eyes. “Whatever.”

I continued looking through my records.

“Are you going to hire a replacement or are we just going eat take-out every night?” He questioned.

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