You Get a Pet!!!

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I know it's been a long while, I just couldn't think of anything to write and it sucked monkey balls. This is a  sensitive topic for me cause I'm an animal lover I cry every time I see something like this I've been seeing a lot of dogs being abused, abandoned, starved, stabbed, shot ect and it makes me really fucken sad and angry to see how human being are so fucken heartless to animals that can't defense themselves I mean look what we're doing to the planet we're making everything go fucken extinct. I just wanted to right about this cause I want raise awareness about this at least once  (I would love to write more for the rest of the characters there's) so many animals in shelters that need of a home young old or even special needs all those dogs have so much love to give no matter what breed they are, they deserve to have a second chance at life.

I'm sorry I just get so heated talking about this, please enjoy the story I guess that's a warning about what the story will be about.

Ichigo Kurosaki

It's been a few years since you got your dog (dog's name), and you couldn't be happier they're your pillow, stress reliever, your happiness, your left over eating machine, you couldn't live with out them. But lately you've noticed (him/her) looking sad, it might be because you haven't been around lately or taking them out for a walk. Finishing up the last of your homework you looked at (him/her), they had that sad look again making you feel guilty.

"What to go for a walk?" Immediately their tail started wagging, you giggle grabbing their leash and collar. Walking down the stairs you heard the TV. "Dad I'm taking (dog's name) out for a walk."

"Its about time you did, that dog is your responsibility you wanted one."

"I'm sorry, I've been busy with school you know that." More guilt.

"Sweety I know, I'm just joking."

"You're a jerk."

"I know."

It didn't take long for you to arrive at the dog park, there's a hand full of dogs which is great. They all seem to be having a great time playing with each other. Your dog started barking of happiness which made you smile inside and out. That's when you notice in the corner of your eye, you saw some lady dragging this poor dog. It made you feel awful just to see that, she came in with her dog and let it go free. The poor thing just coward behind the closet tree and stayed their. Taking a good look at the dog you saw it was a puppy looked a bit old but still cute. You walked towards the dog and pet it, that's when you heard her.

"What the hell are you doing to my dog?"

"I'm just petting it."

"Don't touch my fucken dog." She started to get louder that got the attention of a few people and your dog who immediately went from playful to protector they stood right in front of you.

"I'm sorry I wont do it again." Petting your dog on the head reassuring it was ok and started to walk away. "I guess it's time to leave." You were getting ready to leave when you heard the dog whine. Looking back you saw that old bitch kicking it, that made you so angry looking around the park you saw no one doing anything just recording this. 'What the fuck?! Whats wrong with people?!. You thought, considering that you aren't the strongest person and if you did get attack your dog would bite her, you didn't want to hurt any one especially if it meant losing your best friend. Frowning at the scene in front of you, you decided to follow her. It didn't take long for her to leave which was great. You stayed a good distance for her not to notice you. She lived pretty close to were Ichigo lives another plus for you, with his help you could actually get away.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2019 ⏰

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